Bring Sunlighten’s Healing Infrared Energy Into Your Wellness Rhythm
Thursday, November 18th
2 pm EST (New York)
Raising your core temperature with a Sauna can cause chain reactions that can be significant for your breast health...
But What Type of Sauna is Best?
I relied heavily on my sauna time during my second healing journey.
It provide a great avenue for detoxing but also an opportunity for meditation and quiet time. I now use it weekly to support my vibrant health.
Both Far-Infrared or wet saunas will provide the benefits of sweating (which are many). However, it will obviously not provide you with the benefits of light therapy and near infrared.
If you are considering purchasing a Sauna for your home, then you need to watch this webinar.
Thursday, November 18th at 2:00 EST
What You Will Learn During This Webinar
Why Sunlighten?
Sunlighten brings you the safest, most efficient and effective infrared available.
Sauna Benefits: Feel Better. Do More. Live fully.
Sunlighten infrared saunas will help you achieve your wellness goals.
What is infrared and Why is it different from a traditional sauna?
Sunlighten’s infrared benefits allow you to reap more overall benefits.