The beginning of a new year is often a time for reflection and a desire for positive change for many people. Unfortunately, according to a 2015 U.S. News and World Report [1] survey, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. Why is it so hard to make our goals and aspirations stick? The real reason could have to do with self-sabotaging subconscious behaviors that you may not even be aware of.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) [2] helps with releasing old patterns on a subconscious level. It is simple and has the ability to calm the nervous system and even lessen the effects of trauma. What’s more, EFT can become one of the best tools you have for staying on track throughout the year.
How EFT Helps You Heal

Emotional Freedom Technique [4], also known as Meridian Tapping or just “tapping,” uses a combination of light acupressure tapping and vocalization to honestly address stressful situations, thoughts and feelings. In a gentle yet effective way, “tapping out” feelings during times of even mild stress can turn negative thoughts into acceptance and positive perception, sometimes within minutes.
EFT was originally brought to the fore front by personal development coach and former engineer Gary Craig [5] in the 1990’s and has been proven to provide relief from:
-anxiety and depression;
–physical pain [6];
-food cravings and other addictions;
-event-specific anxieties such as public speaking and test-taking;
–Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [7] and trauma.
EFT helps to unblock pathways along energy meridians that are based on Chinese medicine [8]. By lightly tapping key points on the head and face, and in other places in the upper body, EFT helps to calm the nerve system by addressing and giving your negative feelings “a voice”. Too often we simply suppress our thoughts and feelings and these simply create more stress and anxiety for us. EFT can be performed in as little as 10 minutes by a person not trained in Chinese medicine nor acupuncture. Best of all, it does NOT require needles!
Simply put, tapping works on both an emotional as well as physiological level to clear specific emotional blocks and bring the body back into balance. Studies have shown that tapping can stabilize hormones [9] as it calms the “amygdala,” the part of the brain responsible for “flight or fight [10].”
EFT and Trauma
The effectiveness of tapping is especially impressive when it comes to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). [11] PTSD is often considered “treatment resistant” and in conventional settings [12] those who suffer are given highly-addictive pharmaceutical drugs as well as recommendations for talk therapy. (Certainly a breast cancer diagnosis can be viewed as very traumatic!)
One of the latest studies to look at EFT’s effectiveness with PTSD was a joint 2016 investigation between researchers in the U.S., Britain and Israel published in the journal Energy Psychology [13].
In the study, veterans experiencing “clinical symptom levels” of PTSD participated in one-hour EFT sessions. After just 6 weeks, the vast majority displayed a “significant reduction” in anxiety, depression, insomnia and physical pain. And the results were still present six-months later!
The Connection Between Emotional Stress and Disease
Can chronic stress and emotional trauma lead to breast cancer? Absolutely! In fact, the obvious connection between emotional stress and cancer in our fast-paced, pressurized society is the reason why I devote an entire section in the 7 Essentials System ™ to “Healing the Emotional Wounds” (Essential #4). [14] The fact that this aspect of a healthy breast journey [14] is often overlooked makes me all the more passionate in supporting women in this aspect of healing.
The yearly Tapping Summit [15] is in full swing. Register to learn more about tapping and how it can calm your mind and body and give you clarity on your healing journey.
Here are a few websites to help you get started: The Tapping Solution [15] and EFT Universe [16]. Our coaches are also ready and able to help you through any area of your journey that needs support and guidance.
Make this year the best ever by resolving to practice more self-nurturing and acceptance of yourself. Then give yourself the gift of EFT every day to keep your healing journey going all year!
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System ™, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal Breast Cancer Naturally. To get your F.R.E.E. 7 day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of Natural Medicine, visit