Create Vibrant Breast Health
Why focus on Breast Health?
Getting Rid of the Lump is Just the Beginning of the Journey.
There are Specific Steps That Will Guide You to Move Beyond Breast Cancer.
Understanding the 7 Cancer Triggers and how they affect your Health is Absolutely Necessary if you are going to Lower your Risk of Recurrence. .

Join me, as I explore the 7 Essentials System® for preventing and healing Breast Cancer Naturally.

Create NEW HABITS with a Proven System
Let Food Be Your Medicine

Learn which foods to avoid at all costs (some may surprise you), and which to enjoy as much as possible. You’ll also learn how to “cancer proof” your kitchen, so the contents support your new way of life.
Reduce Your Toxic Exposure

Learn simple steps to take in order to reduce your toxic exposure in your environment, in your home and in your body.
Balance Your Energy

If your body is made up of energy and light, then it makes sense that we keep that energy balanced and free of interference. Your Central Nerve System, your Acupuncture Meridian System and your hormones have a huge impact on the body’s energy system
Heal Your Emotional Wounds

This is one of the most ignored contributors to cancer. You will find out why that is and learn how to release buried emotions that may be slowing down your progress.
Embrace Biological Dentistry

The connection between your teeth and your health is often ignored. Addressing this important connection is what gets many women over the “hump” when it comes to conquering breast cancer.
Repair Your Body with Therapeutic Plants

Nature is abundant with plants and herbs that have been proven to have an impact on your Immune System and health. You can never stop learning when it comes to this subject.
Adopt Very Early Detection

Are you waiting for a mammogram to find a lump that has been there for years? Learn about the many early detection protocols that can give you a head-start on your journey or avoid that journey all together.
Ready to create your Action Plan? Take a Deep Dive Into all 7 Essentials and
Create a Healing Plan that Can Be Used in Conjuntion with your
Doctor's Treatment Plan.
Your Host - a 2 time Breast Cancer Conqueror!
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

First and foremost, I am a woman that was looking for answers, just like you. My signature process, The 7 Essentials System, has empowered thousands of women in over 64 countries around the world.
My mission is to “save lives, one breast at a time.”
I have personally conquered breast cancer twice, which gives me an empathetic perspective to understand other women facing a healing journey.
My signature book Heal Breast Cancer Naturally is a #1 Amazon Best Seller in 10 categories and in 5 countries.
As you go through this program,
You will leave with CLARITY for your Health Journey
You will leave with a PLAN on paper that I will help you create
You will go from:
From going it alone to having the power of this community around you!
"I have been in the trenches just like you ... I have lived the healing journey."
- Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, DC and founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror ®
Preventing or healing breast cancer can be tough at times. I have been through 2 healing journeys and learned so much about myself each time.
I had support from various doctors and coaches. I had a community that I leaned on, and I want the same for you.
I want to be there to guide you and cheer you on – so you can believe that healing is possible.
Connection and Community are a Vital Part of a
Healthy Breast Journey.
In the past 12 years my team and I have coached women in 64 countries around the world about their goals of attaining vibrant health. I noticed that there was a common thread among them:
Do any of these sound like YOU?
This is what you can expect as you watch the educational videos
More than 500 women from 25 countries joined the LIVE version of this Educational Program
Here is what some of them had to say:
Whether You Choose a Traditional Approach or a Natural Approach, or a Combination of Both, we are here to Support You
Our Team Truly Cares and We Want YOU to Succeed!

This Educational Series Includes:
Price $97
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