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The Possible Link Between Dental Cavitations and Breast Cancer

As you journey through each of the 7 Essentials™,  you will learn about Essential # 5 – Embrace Biological Dentistry [1]. Essential #5 will teach you about the obvious connections between root canals [2], mercury fillings, periodontal disease [3] and your health. In fact, you may have already met with a biological dentist to have your root canals and mercury fillings addressed. 

What you may not know, however, is that there are also some “hidden culprits” inside your mouth that can lead to serious illness, including cancer [4], too They are hidden because they often don’t hurt, can’t be seen and don’t always accompany other major sources of infection (although sometimes they do). I am talking about dental cavitations.

I personally discovered cavitations when I was on my healing journey over 10 years ago. I discovered that I had a cavitation in my lefty lower jaw,  sitting on  the meridian that connected to my left breast!  Coincidence you may say? Read on. 

What Are Cavitations?

Cavitation [5] literally means “hole in the bone.” A cavitation in the mouth specifically refers to a hollowed out area in the jawbone that has become infected. Another name for this is “NICO,” or Neuralgia Inducing Cavitational Osteonecrosis. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been much research to date that focuses specifically on NICO. One study [6] published in the journal JADA Middle East, however, found that the condition may affect women over 60 more than any other group.

The beginnings [7] of a dental cavitation usually happens much earlier than the formation of an actual hole. Typically after some kind of dental surgery, bacteria from the original site will leave the area and gather along the jawbone. These pathogens will then burrow a hole into the bone, creating a hollow. If left unchecked, the bacteria can make multiple holes in the jaw, where decaying matter can create ideal places for more bacteria, as well as neuro-toxins and destructive enzymes, to grow.

When enough of this “toxic soup” has gathered in the jaw area, these pathogens [8] will inevitably leak into the bloodstream where the overload may lead to all kinds of chronic conditions [9], including Breast Cancer.

This picture isn’t pretty and may even be a little scary to address, but it is actually quite common. Stories abound about individuals who have tried everything to get rid of health conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, autoimmune conditions [10], digestive imbalances, migraine headaches– you name it– and nothing has worked. Of course, the connection between Breast Cancer [11] and conditions such as these has been established for some time now.

Once a person takes care of a cavitation, however, their symptoms sometimes “mysteriously” disappear. And of course they do; the person has cleaned up a major source of bacterial toxins that had been affecting their whole body!

What YOU Can Do About Dental Cavitations

Here are 3 things you can do NOW to make sure your oral area is cavitation free:

Cavitations don’t have to be scary if you work with a biological dentist that you can trust.

Remember that, according to the principles of Chinese medicine, cavitations can also affect meridian flows on the side of the body where they exist, potentially causing weakness and dis-ease in areas of the body that are affected by that particular meridian. Taking care of root canals, periodontal disease and amalgam fillings are an important part of any Healthy Breast protocol. In this same vein, I would consider making sure that you are free of dental cavitations to be just as vital for your overall Healthy Breast [16] journey.


Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of the 7 Essentials System ™, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal Breast Cancer Naturally. To get your F.R.E.E. 7 day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of Natural Medicine, visit https://breastcancerco.wpengine.com/ [17]