How do you feel when you hear the words “You have Breast Cancer” ?
More than likely, a wave of fear and dread comes over you. You may remember someone whom you loved who was diagnosed in the past or recall the sad images of women suffering from the effects of traditional treatments.
Now imagine this scenario:
You are sitting in your doctor’s office. With a concerned look on his face, he tells you that recent tests have detected possible breast cancer. As you hear the news and his assessment of the situation, you are concerned too, but you are not afraid. Instead, you take a deep breath and stay focused on what he is saying, not letting you mind wander towards nerve-wracking “possible negative” future scenarios.
Because the news has not put you into “fight or flight [1]” mode, you are clear-headed and able to ask pertinent questions to this medical professional about your condition and the possible next steps. You write down all the information this doctor presents to you and thank him. Then you walk out the door with many thoughts on your mind and heart.
As you leave, you decide to cancel your appointments for the rest of the day and head down to your favorite park. You are resolved to get to the bottom of the situation and simply need some time and space to reflect on this challenge and what it may mean for your life. Although you are trying really hard to keep your thoughts together, a bit of fear creeps up….but only for a moment.
Thank you, you whisper, knowing that this “red flag” is simply your body telling you that your life and body are out of balance. After all, cancer cannot grow in a healthy body.
As you walk among the trees, you renew your resolve to take responsibility for your health and make informed decisions about your next steps.
What if you could go from confused to confident on your healing journey?

I know what you may be thinking: Is this a realistic reaction? Who in the world would have that kind of response to a breast cancer diagnosis?
After a conversation with one of our coaches or caring assistants, some women most certainly do! They come to understand that although breast cancer can bring up many fears and concerns, and rightly so, they are confident about making informed decisions about their health.
This is what they eventually come to understand about their journey:
-There are triggers that lead up to a Breast Cancer diagnosis
-The importance of lowering stress and eliciting the relaxation response [3] for deep healing
-They come to possess confidence in evidence-based natural medicine [4] so it is no longer a mystery to them
-And most importantly, they have adapted a HEALING MINDSET [5] and a sense of EMPOWERMENT about their health.
About the Never Fear Breast Cancer Again ON-Line Program
A healing journey can be confusing, and my mission has always been to empower women around the globe to make informed decisions about their health. Cancer need not run your life – YOU Do! That being said, I feel so excited to present my Never Fear Breast Cancer Again [6] on-line program.
I created the 7 Essentials System™ [7] after experiencing my own healing journey with Breast Cancer over ten years ago. No woman should have to go through all the confusion, overwhelm and frustration in trying to figure out what steps to take to create vibrant health. The Never Fear Breast Cancer Again program is like having me as your personal coach, guiding you through the concrete steps that you need to turn your health around. In 8 hours of presentations, videos and resources, we will take a deep dive together into each one of the 7 Essentials™ . There is also a special bonus section [6] about supporting your body when you are using traditional treatments.
If you have just been diagnosed with breast cancer, (Healing Hannah), or if you are in remission (Surviving Suzy) or if you simply want to prevent breast cancer (Proactive Patti) , this webinar can be a real life-changer for you. It will expand your understanding of your own body and will give you the information and clarity you need to turn a frightening, confusing ordeal into one that brings understanding, learning and a sense of empowerment.
Healing from breast cancer was a real wake-up call for me. Through a lot of research, soul searching and emotional work, I eventually created vibrant health and put breast cancer behind me. With the Never Fear Breast Cancer Again program, I strive to give you all the tools you need to leave the confusion and fear by the wayside so you can walk confidently on your own unique healing path.
Are you ready to transform your life? Then CLICK HERE [6] and NEVER FEAR BREAST CANCER AGAIN!
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System ™, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal Breast Cancer Naturally. To get your F.R.E.E. 7 day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of Natural Medicine, visit