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Flax Flat Bread

As I journey down the road of experimenting with a Ketogenic Diet for a few months, I am learning how to look at carbs, proteins and fats in a whole new light. Everyone loves some sort of bread or tortilla that we can enjoy with a stew, soup or for dipping. Here is a simple and quick flat bread that is low in carbs and moderate protein and lots of fiber. Since they are cooked in coconut oil, you are also getting a dose of healthy fats. You can spread with your favorite nut butter for a quick nutritious snack. Bon Appétit!

In a medium mixing bowl, whisk 5 eggs very briskly.

Add the following to the eggs:

¼ cup ground Chia Seeds

¼ cup ground flax seeds

2 tsps. Herbes de Provence (or your favorite herbs)

¼ teaspoon Himalayan salt

Mix thoroughly.

Melt 1 Tbsp. coconut oil in a flat pan on medium heat.

As the oil heats up, using a ¼ cup measuring cup, fill it half way and drop the mixture into the hot pan.

Let is sizzle and bubble and when it looks less runny, flip it over with a spatula until done on the other side.

Makes about 10 –  4 inch flat breads. One flatbread has less than 1 gram of carbs. Enjoy!