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EMF Update Part 2: Is SMART Technology Really Smart?

Last week, we dove into the new world of 5G [1]. In part two, we take a look at how new “smart home” technologies utilize 5G and Wi-Fi and how this may affect you. Most importantly, we will look at what YOU can do to protect yourself and your family from increasingly higher EMF/RF levels.

What A Smart Home Looks Like in 2019

Odds are you have at least one device in your home that helps make life just a little easier. What I am talking about are apps and techie doodads that turn off your lights, let you peek in on the babysitter while you are out or turn on your coffee maker before you even wake up. Some more sophisticated applications even can inventory the contents of your refrigerator, make shopping list suggestions, and even order groceries!

All of these devices (called “domotics”  or domestic robotics) are designed to work together around the clock and can be controlled remotely. Of course, busy people love the idea of technology that can simplify life. That is why as of January 2019, Amazon has sold [2] more than 100 million Alexa-powered devices and add-ons.

The Hazards of a Smart Home  

Most individuals who have such devices don’t consider how this technology can communicate so seamlessly. Most of the technology relies on signals sent wirelessly to all the appliances and other doodads in the house (like stereo systems). This means that you and your family are being exposed to wireless signals all day, and all night.

There have been numerous studies proving the hazards of Wi-Fi exposure. In fact, in 2015 the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IRIC) added RF/EMF radiation to their list of Class 2B Carcinogens.

SMART Meters Still Pose a Huge Threat

You may be old enough to remember when electrical usage was measured by an actual person.  Most electrical meters are now read remotely. The information about your usage is then uploaded on an almost continuous basis to a larger, national wide network [3].

When it comes to your health, SMART meters are anything but smart [3]. Many meters are located near rooms where people spend the majority of their time, such as bedrooms and home offices. 

Independent researcher Dr. Frank Springbob studied live blood samples of individuals after being one foot away from a SMART meter for about one minute. The results led the creators of the pivotal film Take Back Your Power to conclude that SMART meters may contain the EMF/RF power of 160 cell phones.

If you haven’t watched this film, I highly suggest a view. You can watch it for free HERE [4].

5G for Smart Homes, Communities, and Cars Around the Corner

Right now, most homes operate their smart home devices through wires as well as Wi-Fi routers within

If the electrical meter attached to your house has a digital readout like this, it is a SMART meter. Be sure to take measures to protect yourself from its harmful radiation!

the house. There is a new movement, however, that is happening in line with 5G. It is being designed for interconnectivity between entire towns, cities, regions, and, ultimately, the entire planet through the “Internet of Things.” [5] The eventual “grand plan” for 5G is as a replacement for in-home and in-office Wi-Fi routers and as a launchpad for a 6G network [6] by 2030.

This may all sound like something from a fantasy story, but it is true. And so are the potentially life-threatening health effects [1] of 5G and 6G.

Studies Say Children Suffer the Most from EMF/RF Exposure

As a grandmother of 5, I realize that my grandchildren have never known a world without Wi-Fi and EMF threats. Unfortunately, children are particularly vulnerable to Wi-Fi because of their still-developing bodies and brains. A study [7] conducted in 2014 by the University of California San Diego found that, while Wi-Fi exposure can be harmful for both adults and children, children absorb more of the frequency than adults and also experience the consequences. These could include cognitive impairment (called “digital dementia [8]”), higher risk for certain kinds of cancers, and damage to growing fetuses.

What You Can Do to Protect Yourself from EMF/RF

In Part 1, we talked a lot about simple things [1] you can do to stay safe in a wired world. Here are some next steps if you want to take protection to the next level:

#1 Get “wired.”

You can eliminate wireless signals from your home entirely by using an ethernet cable. This plugs your computer and other devices directly into a wired version of the internet. Contact your cable company for more information. In the meantime, be sure to at least turn off all your wireless routers at night while you sleep!

#2 Remove SMART meters from your home.

You can request your electrical meter be returned to its pre-SMART format. You can also put a protective cage around your meter [9] that will protect your home from the damaging effects of the meter. 

#3 Use protective technologies.

If you are on a Healthy Breast journey or have small children and pets, I recommend getting protective devices.  One company whose technology is securely backed by science is GIA Wellness. I have been using GIA technology for over a decade [10].  

Increasingly high and potentially dangerous EMF/RF technologies may be inevitable as the years go by. But that does not mean that you have to succumb to frequency-related illness. Take the measures recommended in this blog and learn all you can about thriving in a wireless world. 

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers (“Dr V”) is the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror.com and The 7 Essentials System®. This step-by-step guide empowers you with knowledge so you Never Have to Fear Breast Cancer Again! To watch a FREE webinar about the 7 steps for beating breast cancer naturally, Click Here [11].