Roughly 7% of Americans have some form of clinical depression [1]. It is common knowledge that this sometimes-devastating condition can raise the risk of Breast Cancer as well. I can tell you that I understand depression as I struggled with it for years. But I had “closet depression” since I kept it very well hidden from everyone. I smiled and pushed through my life. I have discussed the clear link between the two in many of my own blogs [2]. What you might not be aware of, however, is the very real connection between the most popular anti-depressants and Breast Cancer as well. Of course, there are so many ways to turn depression around naturally, which I eventually did.
The Antidepressants – Breast Cancer Link
The most popular antidepressants on the market are known as “SSRIs,” or “serotonin reuptake inhibitors.” SSRIs have been around since the 1980’s. During the ten-year period of 1998-2008, American pharmaceutical antidepressant use rose by 400%.
The main objective of SSRIs like Paxil, Pexeva, Aropax, Seroxat, Sereupin and Brisdelle is to control serotonin levels in order to improve communication between nerve cells. SSRIs are currently used for depression as well as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and other psychiatric conditions.
In extreme situations, some people may benefit from antidepressant pharmaceutical use temporarily. Make no mistake, however: using any pharmaceutical drug [3] long-term carries with it some pretty heavy side effects. When it comes to antidepressants, these side effects often relate to Breast Cancer.
For example, a 2016 study conducted by Jackson State University [4] found that paroxetine use over 4 years “was associated with a 620% increase in the rate of breast cancer in women…”
The main reason why paroxetine is associated with such a high rate of reproductive system cancer is because bisphenol A, or BPA, was found in some paroxetine brands. BPA is a known xenoestrogen.
A case–control study [5] sponsored by McGill University and the Sir Mortimer B. Davis-Jewish General Hospital in Canada used information from close to 6,000 female participants. The investigators found that certain forms of tricyclic antidepressant were genotoxic (i.e. caused mutations in genetic information). They also found a definite link between the use of tricyclic antidepressant drugs [6] and a higher risk of Breast Cancer.
These studies are just two of many which have made the clear connection between antidepressant use and Breast Cancer [7].
A New Concept of Depression
On the flip side, new research has also found that the cause of depression itself may not be what conventional researchers had originally thought. Investigations beginning in the 2000’s found that neurological conditions such as depression may actually be a result of inflammation and infection [2].
A 2009 Brazilian study [8] discovered that depressed individuals had a high level of inflammatory cytokines in their system, especially when they were at the height of a depressive episode. One of the jobs of these types of cytokines is to help mediate the neuroendocrine system and chemical communications for energy, mood and activity.
Of course, inflammation itself is a major risk factor for cancers of all types, including Breast Cancer. [9] A report on the 2005 National Cancer Institute meeting [10] on inflammation and cancer found that “[i]nflammation undoubtedly has an effect on the process of cancer metastasis.”
Other NCI research has found that inflammation occurs at all stages of tumor development, including the initiation of a tumor, tumor progression and during metastasis.
How to Prevent Depression and Breast Cancer
Antidepressants are currently used by roughly 27 million Americans, the majority of which are women. This information may seem overwhelming. The truth is, however, that the findings mentioned above actually represent

good news. They indicate common causal factors between both depression and Breast Cancer that puts YOU in the driver’s seat for prevention!
Here are some steps you can take now to prevent both Breast Cancer and depression. Be sure to click on the links for more info:
#1 Get quality sleep [11].
#2 Cut back on sugar [12].
#3 Move your body [13].
#4 Go organic. [14]
#5 Lower stress. [15]
#6 Work towards healing emotional wounds [16], especially trauma [17].
Stress in the body, whether it comes from the outside, such as a hectic work environment, [18]or from the inside is always a factor for the progression of disease [15]. Actively work at changing your lifestyle to include the first 5 recommendations listed above. Then notice how your stress levels naturally go down.
It takes time to form the new habits that can heal depression naturally [19]. I suggest that you choose one or two major life changes that you want to implement into your life. If you stick to these lifestyle changes for at least 9 weeks [3], you will no doubt notice less depressive episodes and more health than ever before!
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers (“Dr. V”) is the founder of Breast Cancer and The 7 Essentials System ™. This step-by-step guide empowers you with knowledge so you Never Have to Fear Breast Cancer Again! To watch a FREE webinar about the 7 steps for beating breast cancer naturally, Click Here [20]