We've Listened - Early Bird Special Extended!
Are you 1000% Convinced that You CAN Do It?
Do you have that little voice inside that dwells on the negative "What If's"?
Does this Healing Journey feel lonely and scary at times?
Connecting with other women who are on the same path as you can be like wind beneath your wings!
This is why all of our speakers, (except for one researcher), are sharing how they have healed the cancers that affected their health.
Come Listen to their Inspiring Stories of Healing -
If Others Have Done It -
Join me as I Host a Panel of Cancer Conquerors who will Share their Experiences & Insights about Healing

Dr. V has personally conquered Breast Cancer twice, which gives her an empathetic perspective to understand other women facing a healing journey. Her signature process has empowered thousands of women in over 56 countries around the world. Her mission is to "save lives, one breast at a time."
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers -
Founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror®
Watched by millions as the co-host of Dancing with the Stars and Entertainment Tonight, Samantha Harris is an Emmy Award-winning journalist, author, Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified Fitness Trainer, and breast cancer thriver.
At age 40, Samantha was diagnosed with stage II invasive breast cancer. Determined to fight for her life, she searched for answers about how we can improve our health, and prevent chronic diseases. The resulting book, Your Healthiest Healthy: 8 Easy Ways to Take Control, Help Prevent and Fight Cancer, and Live a Longer, Cleaner, Happier Life, translates , research-backed knowledge into an easy-to-follow action plan for maximizing health, energy and happiness for life.
Samantha Harris -
Emmy-Winning TV Host, Author, Journalist, Certified Health Coach & Trainer
Instagram/Facebook: @SamanthaHarrisTV
Website: https://yourhealthiesthealthy.com/
Holly Bertone, CNHP, PMP, is a breast cancer and Hashimoto’s survivor and turned these two significant health challenges into a passion to help others. Holly is also a "bestselling" author of the book Coconut Head's Cancer Survival Guide: My Journey from Diagnosis to "I Do".
As President and CEO of Pink Fortitude, LLC she inspires others with her quick wit, brutal honesty, and simple ways to be healthy in real life.
Holly Bertone -
President & CEO of Pink Fortitude, LLC
Marnie Clark has studied and practiced natural medicine for over 25 years. She is a breast cancer survivor since 2004, and a breast cancer coach since 2012. Marnie is passionate about empowering others going through breast cancer with information about how to make their bodies hostile terrain for cancer development through nutrition, detoxification, mind/body techniques, energy medicine and other lifestyle changes.
Marnie Clark -
Breast Cancer Coach
Tara Coyote has been journeying with late stage breast cancer for almost five years. She currently treats it using complimentary methods: a blend of conventional and non-toxic medicine. She has been publicly sharing her health journey through her blog page, YouTube channel and social media. She is author of the new released book, ‘Grace, Grit & Gratitude: A cancer thriver’s journey from hospice to full recovery with the healing power of horses. She is very grateful to be alive after being recommended to hospice in the spring of 2019. She is currently thriving on her island home living off the grid in a yurt with her animals.
Tara Coyote -
Equine Facilitated Learning teacher & Life Coach
Jane battled two advanced cancers, and developed a unique cocktail to ‘starve’ her cancer. Since making a full recovery, Jane now advises other patients on how best they can starve cancer and where to access the drugs and supplements they might need.
Because of her efforts Jane was awarded Amazing Woman Global 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award.
In 2018 she launched her book How To Starve Cancer…without starving yourself to great acclaim. Her book immediately shot to number one and has remained at the top spot.
Jane McLelland -
Chartered Physiotherapist & Author
Dr. Susan Wadia-Ells is a long-time cultural change agent since the 1970’s.
Most recently Susan researched and authored the book, Busting Breast Cancer: Five Simple Steps to Keep Breast Cancer Out of Your Body. This book focuses on the modern view of the Metabolic Theory of Cancer and how to keep cancer out of your body.
Anne is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, AADP, Holding Space Consultant, Certified Birth Doula, CD(DONA), and Certified Medical Interpreter, CMI – Spanish. She completed her health coach training at Institute for Integrative Nutrition where she studied over 100 dietary theories with leading experts in the integrative health field. She has worked in many facets of healthcare for the past 20 year. She is passionate about supporting clients to heal and transform their body-mind-spirit from the inside out. while sharing her healing journey with Breast Cancer.
Anne Crook -
Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Create NEW HABITS with a Proven System as we take a deep dive into the 7 Essentials System®

#1 Let Food Be Your Medicine

You Can Feed Your Body or You Can Feed the Cancer.
#2 Reduce Your Toxic Exposure

Why is Detox so Important when it Comes to Women's Health?
#3 Balance Your Energy

Understand why YOUR Hormones do NOT Cause Cancer!
#4 Heal Your Emotional Wounds

Discover Tools to Help You Heal the "Emotional" Cancers.
#5 Embrace Biological Dentistry

How Does your Oral Health Affect Your Breast Health?
#6 Repair Your Body With Therapeutic Plants

What are the Most Powerful Therapies to Boost your Immune System?
#7 Adopt Very Early Detection

Cancer Free – Are you sure? Discover all the "Outside the Box" Tests that Can Keep you on Track.
A women's retreat that inspires, informs and transforms you!
At this Virtual Retreat,
You will leave with CLARITY for your Health Journey
You will leave with a PLAN on paper that I will help you create
You will go from:
From going it alone to having the power of this community around you!
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

I have been in the trenches just like you ...
I have lived the healing journey....twice!
Founder, Breast Cancer Conqueror ®
My heart is full of gratitude for all you do. I feel empowered and ready to move forward
J.R. California
I am not alone any longer. It was great to connect with women from all over the world who are on the same path
T.P United Kingdom
I felt motivated to take ACTION! Now I can move forward with each Essential
Y.D. Canada
You will get to connect with other like-minded women. Even though this is a Virtual Retreat, you will have the opportunity to "meet and chat" with other like-minded women.

You will receive access to all the recordings and ACTION Plans to help you create YOUR specific protocol for YOUR healing journey.
Connection and Community are an Important Part of a
Healing Journey.
In the past 9 years my team and I have coached women in 57 countries around the world about their goals of attaining vibrant health. I noticed that there was a common thread among them:
Do any of these sound like YOU?
This is what you can expect at the You Can Do It! virtual retreat
We will have fun....even though this is a Virtual Retreat, you will have the opportunity to "meet" other like-minded women.

More than 500 women from 25 countries joined us for the last virtual retreat
Here is what some of them had to say:
Whether You Choose a Conventional Approach or a Natural Approach, or a Combination of Both,
We are Here to Support You
Our Team Truly Cares and We Want YOU to Succeed!

Event Details
August 23 - August 26, 2021
Starts Promptly every Morning at 11:00 AM EST to 2:00 PM EST (New York)
Sessions will be recorded and available for an unlimited time
What you will need:
Computer (Desktop or Laptop), Tablet or Smartphone with an Internet Connection
Notebook or journal to take notes
Regular Price $97
SAVE $50 with Early Bird Special and Pay $47 when registering on or before Aug 15
PLUS You receive a $97 value Bonus with Access to "You CAN Heal" educational video series, which will be provided when the "You Can Do It!" Summit recordings are provided

I am 100% confident that you will be satisfied with the program. You may request a 100% refund any time up until and including Day 1, August 23, midnight EST. No questions asked!