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Master Your Mindset with Lilly McDermott

School is in session! Get your pencils out—it’s time to learn to master your mindset. Life is perfect and a huge classroom full of Gifts & Lessons, but only if one chooses to look at life with Gratitude! YOU matter, and it’s time to create 100% Responsibility for everything you do. A Ph.D. is not necessary to master your mindset and be a helpful, good friend.

Those are Lilly McDermott’s core beliefs, and they lay the foundations of her conversations on her radio show, social media pages, keynote speeches, life coaching sessions, website, and the Wellness Warrior podcast.

Join us for a heart-centric discussion focused on Essential #4 [1]: Heal Your Emotional Wounds. You will gain a whole new perspective—starting with how responsibility leads to freedom, ownership, and power!

To learn more about Lilly’s mindset work, please check out: LillianMcDermott.com


Where the Full Audio Version can be found:

iTunes [2]

iHeart Radio [3] 

Spotify [4]

And, if you haven’t already, please SUBSCRIBE & give us a REVIEW!


Here are some highlights from this Podcast: