Stress is not a friend to any individual who is on a healing journey with Breast Cancer. I have written about the connection between stress, immune impairment, and tumor growth on many occasions and so have hundreds of other experts over the last decade. A study published in September 2015,
For women diagnosed with Breast Cancer, lymph node removal is a typical procedure performed by conventional doctors either before treatment (in the form of a biopsy) or after surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy. The premise is that cancer cells in the mammary area will tend to spread to sentinel lymph nodes
In 1889, English surgeon Dr. Stephen Paget published his “seed and the soil hypothesis,” noting that the likelihood of cancer to spread depends on its environment (The Lancet, 133, no. 3421). Similarly, T. Colin Campbell compared the three stages of tumor growth – initiation, promotion and progression – to the growth
The “Budwig Diet” has been an amazingly simple yet extremely successful cancer-healing protocol for over half a century. The basic ingredients are simple yet quite revolutionary: flax seed oil and cottage cheese. How the formula came to be is just as interesting as why it works so well. In fact, it has been