the causes of early onset cancer header image
Between 1990 and 2019, the number of people diagnosed with early-onset (ages 18 – 49) cancer increased by 79% globally. The number of deaths from early-onset cancer increased by 28% during that same period. That’s just in three short decades, and this number could increase as the kids of our
Vitamin D is critical for breast cancer healing and almost every aspect of your health. It’s the ONE vitamin that most Americans are low in, and it plays a massive role in your overall health: Strengthening bones. Here’s what a Breast Cancer Thriver has to say: “My new scan shows
Everything is energy. “You are only one billionth of physical matter…the rest is ALL energy.” -Nobel Prize Laureate Carlo Rubbia. Therefore, balance your nerve system. Your energy and hormone systems are all crucial pieces of the healing puzzle. Every part of yourself is meticulously and brilliantly connected—no bodily system works
Title: The Truth About Smartphones & EMFs for Breast Cancer Thrivers
“Are smartphones safe?” I get this question all the time, so let’s explore realistic and solution-based answers. When I, Dr. V, the breast cancer conqueror, faced a recurrence with breast cancer for a second time, it was gut-wrenching, and I felt like a fraud. How could this happen to someone

How To Survive and Thrive

Conqueroring Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Natural Medicine.

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