WARNING – This blog will be viewed as highly controversial by many in our community. For those of you who have followed me for years, you know that I like to dive into the research about ALL aspects of healing. Just as we have different personalities, skills, likes, dislikes, and
For BHAM (Breast Health Awareness Month) this October, I would like to give you a challenge! For this month, I encourage you to focus on prevention and early detection by being proactive with testing. There are many kinds of tests that you should be aware of on your Healthy Breast
Breast Health Awareness Month
It’s that time of year again. If you are a Healing Diva, then you know what that means! If you are just starting out on your Healthy Breast journey, don’t worry. You will learn all about why this month is so special in this article! This month the “big wigs”
In the last article, we learned how a plant substance called Salicinium slows down the growth of cancer by halting the production of Nagalase enzyme.  There is no doubt that Salicinium is a powerful inhibiter of Breast Cancer when used alone. And when it is combined with other substances, such

How To Survive and Thrive

Conqueroring Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Natural Medicine.

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