Conventional modern dentistry has treated cavities and other dental issues the same way for over a century. If a tooth begins to decay, the only thing to do is drill into it, take out the infected material and patch it up (usually with harmful metal amalgams). Now researchers in the
Methylation is one of the most important processes in your body. Now researchers are discovering that the rate of DNA methylation can also be an indication of how prone tissues may be to cancer.What is Methylation?If you have read my blog for a while, you may already know that I
As more and more consumers become aware of the risks of traditional cancer treatments, hospitals in the United States are finally beginning to respond. Some doctors are becoming open to modalities which can complement traditional cancer treatment. U.S.-based clinical trials show cyroablation to be especially effective for early-stage Breast Cancers. What is
Oxygen has been used for centuries to promote wound healing and vital health. These days, more and more clinicians, health centers and even hospitals are turning to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) to help patients under their care. And new research is pointing to the fact that HBOT may help people