What Does Galvanic Toxicity Have To Do With Breast Cancer?
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla. Born in 1856, Nikola Tesla (Tesla (the car company) was named after him) developed the alternating-current power system that provides electricity for buildings and changed the course of our
can dental infections prevent healing?
The breast-dental connection is so strong that I can confidently say about 90% of my clients have had adverse health effects from mercury-filled amalgams, root canals, infections, cavitations, and other dental toxicities. This is because your teeth directly connect to your breasts via the meridian system (learn more here), and
how to overcome teeth grinding
YOU are a breast cancer conqueror, leaving no stone (or body part) unturned. Finding the underlying root cause and evidence-based solutions is why you read this blog, listen to the podcasts, heal with the DIY program, and follow the 7 Essentials System®. Essential #5 (of the 7 Essentials System®) focuses
rife therapy key points
Please note: Do NOT try anything new, including Rife Therapy, before thoroughly discussing it with your medical team and BCC Coach. There will never be one magic cure. However, a few different types of therapies and lifestyle changes may make all the difference in your healing journey. “If you want

How To Survive and Thrive

Conqueroring Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Natural Medicine.

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