By now you are probably aware of the many benefits that happiness and positivity can have on your heath. But did you also know that when life throws you a curve ball and you begin to feel hopeless about your situation, your immune system may take that as a cue
This time of year is perhaps the only time that most people give any attention to mistletoe, that evergreen plant that hangs on the low-lying branches of certain trees. While not many Americans are aware of its healing qualities, in many parts of the world, especially in Europe, it has been a
As you learn how to live a healthy, Breast Cancer-free lifestyle and begin to put many different natural healing modalities and substances into your healing toolbox, Chiropractic care may not be the first thing you think of. As a veteran Chiropractor for 37 years,  I have seen the amazing healing
This week I am taking a look at how Breast Cancer has affected women all over the world and what the global factors are for the increasingly raising rates of the dis-ease over the coming years. My team and I have coached women in over 21 countries over the last 4.5

How To Survive and Thrive

Conqueroring Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Natural Medicine.

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