You may already know that consuming seaweed and kelp has many health benefits, not the least of which is protection from radiation, oxidative stress and cancer prevention. Several exciting studies over the last few years have also confirmed the power of certain seaweed strains for stopping breast cancer in its
Beginning in the 1960’s, America’s municipal water supplies began to be supplemented with fluoride, with the supposed aim of increasing the country’s dental health. Shortly after, further fluoride supplementation in the form of ingestible lozenges, tablets and drops became available through dentists and over the counter. Although water fluoridation and
magnesium cancer therapy
Famed natural medicine pioneer Dr. Norman Shealy said that “a magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient.” Those are pretty powerful words. Yet most conventional doctors are unlikely to suggest that their patients get tested regularly for magnesium deficiency.  The latest studies by the U.S.
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In 2009, the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) made a clear statement about the dangers of mercury in amalgam dental fillings. “It is incompatible with current, valid scientific evidence to continue to endorse or otherwise condone the use of a permanently implanted material in teeth that continuously

How To Survive and Thrive

Conqueroring Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Natural Medicine.

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