Heal Breast Cancer Naturally
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Sending you a big healing heart hug.
Dr. V

Essential #1, Let Food Be Your Medicine

Here is a sample 7 day menu. You also have the option of skipping breakfast and doing intermittent fasting. You may find all of my recipes here

Essential #2, Reduce Your Toxic Exposure
Here is a simple check list you can use to start reducing your toxic exposure in your home. Simply check off the box when you have eliminated one of the products. You will see yourself making progress before you know it. Even 1 check mark is a great step in the right direction.
Here is a simple check list you can use to start reducing your toxic exposure in your body. Simply check off the box when you have eliminated one of the products. You will see yourself making progress before you know it. Even 1 check mark is a great step in the right direction.
Cleansing Your Body
Click on the three links below to learn more

Essential #3, Balance Your Energy
Heart Math Institute for Apps and tools to monitor your Heart Rate Variability
Find a proficient Chiropractor in your area:
Maximized Living has a whole-body approach to wellness that includes chiropractic
Earthing Sheets and Products

Essential #4, Heal Your Emotional Wounds
EFT and Breast Cancer
Suggested Books (with links)

Essential #5, Embrace Biological Dentistry
Ten Questions To Ask Your Biological Dentist
- 1What is your professional opinion about amalgam fillings in general? Do you think that they are toxic and can they harm the body? Do you use amalgams or other toxic metals in any way in your practice?
- 2What do you know about the relationship between amalgams and various diseases?
- 3When you remove my amalgams, will you initially test the electrical charge of the amalgams with a device called an amalgameter?
- 4Will you offer me a serum compatibility blood test in order to determine what materials can replace the amalgams that will not create an allergic reaction in my body?
- 5Will you offer me a serum compatibility blood test in order to determine what materials can replace the amalgams that will not create an allergic reaction in my body?
- 6Do you believe that a toxic tooth could have an effect on a particular organ?
- 7When you remove and replace my amalgams, what precautions will you use to protect me? For example, will you use mercury vapor filters or offer oxygen while I am getting this procedure done? Will you use a rubber dam to protect my mouth from the toxicity of the pieces of amalgam that will be removed?
- 8What kind of professional training have you had in holistic dentistry and when? Do you keep up with current research regarding the dental-disease link and the safest practices for amalgam removal, dental caries and other common procedures?
- 9Which professional organizations do you belong to that supports biological, holistic or mercury-free dentistry?
- 10What non-invasive and safe alternatives can you offer me as I heal from this procedure? For example, do you offer ozone or Vitamin C therapy during or after the dental procedures?

Essential #6, Repair Your Body With Therapeutic Plants
Below are some great checklists

Essential #7, Adopt Very Early Detection
My Breast Friend™ Training Tool
Personal and regular breast exams are a safe and effective alternative to mammograms. But have you ever been properly trained? Most women are afraid to touch their breasts because they don’t know what they are feeling.
Only about 43% of breast cancers are found in a mammogram while another 43% are found either by breast self-exam (BSE) or pure accident.(1) In a pooled analysis of several studies, women who regularly performed BSEs detected breast tumors much earlier and with fewer lymph node involvement