Bree Argetsinger, aka The Betty Rocker, is an internationally known health and fitness coach, innovative entrepreneur and motivator of self-growth. She incorporates a strong, holistic focus on body balancing, self-kindness, and alignment into her fitness and nutrition programs. Hailed as a “gateway to personal growth through food and fitness” she empowers her massive worldwide audience to live a “healthy lifestyle of awesome” by teaching them to listen to their bodies and providing them with a knowledge base from which to thrive.
In this episode, Bree talks with Dr. V about creating her persona “The Betty Rocker”. She talks about how over the years she has learned to embrace her “Flawsome”, her flaws + awesome. She has learned to not be so self-critical. To quiet her internal negative talk. Additionally, she tries not to conform to the standard ideal that society tends to put on women. Bree uses this knowledge to help empower women, to love who they are and how they look, scars and all. Furthermore, Bree discusses the importance of exercise, after a Breast Cancer diagnosis. How building muscle does not mean bulking up and how it can improve your overall health.
Click here to sign up for Bree’s Free 30 Day Challenge – 15 minutes a day, videos daily.
To find out more about Bree check out her social media channels and the website www.thebettyrocker.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebettyrocker
Instagram: @thebettyrocker
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bettyrockershow
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Here are some highlights from this Podcast:
(3:46) – Embracing your Flawsome
(8:00) – The source for the standard of beauty is incorrect
(10:57) – Practising what you preach
(14:30) – How to embrace your body after mastectomy or surgery
(22:06) – How moving your body can impact your health after a Breast Cancer diagnosis
(22:57) – The All or Something concept
(25:56) – Muscle doesn’t mean Bulk and how it benefits to your mitochnodria
(29:00) – Try Bree’s FREE 30 day Challenge which includes 15 minute daily videos.