Kornelia Stephanie is a Spiritual Teacher and Business Success Coach helping people reclaim their personal power so that they can become the authority in all areas of their lives. She teaches people how to heal their lives using the power of emotions, loving the self whole, and how to integrate practical spirituality into their daily lives. She helps people become emotionally healthy with great results. People experience huge, profound shifts leaving the past behind, moving forward, navigating the new energies with passion purpose and confidence.
In this episode, Kornelia shares how she healed her core emotional wounds in order to bring about full health in her body. In her book, Peace: The flip Side to Anger, Kornelia details her journey of how she found Peace and how to use the emotion of anger as a fuel to bring about positivity rather than negativity and disease. Kornelia is also offering her 21-Day Peace Challenge to our listeners, a full 21 days of no negative self-talk. In order to get this offer please email radio@korneliastephanie.com and she will send you access. You can also hear more from Kornelia on her varied Podcasts, and Radio shows.
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Here are some highlights from this Podcast:
(2:16) – The Journey of Awakening
(4:14) – Starting with the Emotional Core Wounds
(10:14) – Looking at the Anger Within
(13:24) – You Have to Feel
(16:32) – Healing her Body
(20:33) – The 21 Day Challenge
(29:29) – Heaven on Earth