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What Is The 7 Essentials System?
Essential 1
Let Food Be Your Medicine
Hippocrates, the Greek physician who lived more than 1500 years ago, made the astounding connection with food and how it could heal the body. However, the wisdom of the “founding father of modern medicine” has been ignored by mainstream medical and governmental agencies. Food is the foundation of our health. Food fuels our cells and organs. If we ingest toxic, dead food, then guess what happens to our bodies? Yes, they become toxic, diseased and die prematurely. Discover the foods that will turn on your healthy genes and learn to focus on foods that alkalize and balance your body.
The goal of this module is to help you design a nutritional regimen that feeds your body what it needs and eliminate the food that hurts you. By the time you implement this first Essential, you’ll begin to feel more energized and vibrant - and your body will thank you for it!
Essential 2
Reduce Your Toxic Exposure
According to the University Of Columbia School Of Public health, “95% of all cancer is due to diet and the accumulation of toxins.” There are many simple steps that you can take in order to reduce your daily exposure to environmental toxins in your home and in your body. Detoxification of the liver and colon play a major role in improving your health. You will learn simple steps to take in order to reduce your toxic exposure in your environment, in your home and in your body.
The goal of this module is to begin removing toxins from deep within your body. This detoxification process will leave your body with a stronger immune system and a better ability to fight off cancer cells.
Essential 3
Balance Your Energy
Everything is energy. In fact, according to a Nobel Prize Laureate, Carlo Rubbia, we are only 1 billionth physical matter…the rest is ALL energy. If the foundation of the body is energy and light, then it makes sense that we keep that energy balanced and free of interference. Your Central Nerve System, your Acupuncture Meridian System and your hormones have a huge impact on the body’s energy system. There are also numerous healing arts and practices that balance the body. Scientific evidence and research about the benefits of Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Yoga, Magnets, and many more, are discussed.
The goal of this module is to achieve alignment, both structurally and energetically, within and around your body. You’ll follow proven methods and techniques that will help you treat your body not just as a vessel, but as a sanctuary - leaving it more capable and powerful than before.
Essential 4
Heal Your Emotional Wounds
Have you ever felt stressed out about something and you noticed that your neck muscles or jaw felt really tight? Remember feeling that pit in your stomach or that ache in your solar plexus? That is an example of your “e-motions” or “energy in motion” getting stuck. Scientists have speculated about the emotional connection to dis-ease for years, but now with the study of “psycho-neuro-immunology”, we understand how stress impacts our health. In fact, we now have proof that your DNA contracts and relaxes in response to your mood. Learn simple techniques to effectively manage stress and improve your happiness.
The goal of this module is to remove stressors from your life which are feeding cancer cells and causing other harmful conditions. You’ll begin to feel lighter, more energized, and even happier. Once you complete this Essential, your body will finally break free from the tightness and “stuckness” that stress often creates, even down to the microscopic level.
Essential 5
Embrace Biological Dentistry
Your teeth are an intricate part of your body…not a separate entity that can be drilled, poked and stuffed with toxic poisons, without having an impact on the rest of your body. Amalgam fillings do NOT belong in your mouth because of the high mercury content. Mercury is one of the most toxic substances on the planet and the effect on the Immune System and overall health have been well documented. Having worked with Bio-energetic Testing devices for over 20 years, I repeatedly saw the relationship between specific diseased organs and the dental meridians. Women with Breast Cancer invariably had a huge filling or root canal in the tooth corresponding to the breast meridian.
The goal of this module is to identify the “little hinges that swing big doors,” and in this case, one of those hinges lives inside your mouth: your teeth! You’ll be provided with the instructions needed to remove Mercury poisoning and other dental causes of cancer, leading to a fresher mouth and a body more capable of warding off cancer.
Essential 6
Repair Your Body with Therapeutic Plants
As far back as the Egyptian and Persian dynasties, the use of medicinal plants is well recorded in the journals of history. North American natives also used plants extensively to heal various illnesses. Specific plants and herbs contain special compounds that nourish, stimulate, tone, strengthen, detoxify and speed up the healing process. In fact, there are specific plant compounds that actually kill cancer cells without harming the healthy cells of the body!
The goal of this module is to help you incorporate specific cancer-fighting therapeutic plants which will supplement your body’s immune system. You’ll essentially be “supercharging” your cancer-fighting ability with the help of these incredible plants and natural compounds.
Essential 7
Adopt Very Early Detection
Thermography: Are you tired of the “Big Squeeze”, aka, mammograms? Ever wonder if all that compression and radiation to the breast might be causing some harm to your breast and your body? Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging, also known as Thermography, can detect abnormal breast patterns 5-8 years before tumors are visible on a mammogram. How’s that for early detection!! There are many blood tests that can detect the development of cancer on a cellular level, before they are detected with conventional tests. Stop cancer BEFORE it starts with blood work that detects enzymes and hormones that are produced by cancer cells.
The goal of this module is to incorporate a pro-active and healthy approach to detecting and monitoring signs of breast cancer. By the time you complete this Essential, you’ll be empowered with the right knowledge to use the right tools to help you stay ahead of the curve.

Gwen T.
Four years ago I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer with 9 out of 10 lymph nodes involved.
I followed The 7 Essentials program and worked closely with my coach. Last February I learned that I am now “cancer free!”
It will change your life – It is not easy. It will test you. It is life changing – you will be a different, a better, a healthier and a stronger person for the rest of your life.
Jean Marie B.
I was diagnosed one year ago with metastatic breast bone cancer, Stage 4! Needless to say this was a lot to swallow. I was extremely blessed to have Dr. V become one of my guides and introduce me to Hope 4 Cancer. Dr V was only concerned with one question. “Do you want to live?” and of course I said “YES!”
I started at Hope 4 Cancer in September 2018. In one year I have progressed at a slow steady pace and have had over all good quality of life.
With the knowledge from Hope 4 cancer, Dr V, my alternative doctor in South Carolina, my daily routine, lots of support from very close friends, having a good attitude and finally daily prayer and faith I am progressing. I believe my journey and story will give other cancer patients hope.

Katherine W..
What a joy it is to share that God has blessed me with success in my breast cancer journey! After using the Breast Cancer Conqueror Protocol for four years, I reached the goal Dr. V. set for me. The discipline it required was lovingly guided by her counsel and by her encouraging words. As she says, “The journey is a marathon, not a sprint.” To all of us on a healing journey, keep up the efforts, the goal is reachable. Praise God!