Healing Strong with Suzy Griswold
Suzy Griswold is the Founder and Director of HealingStrong, a non-profit organization based in the United States that equips volunteers around the world to conduct local community, natural healing, education, and support groups. She has a Master’s in Public Health from the University of Texas School of Public Health in Houston, Texas.
In this Episode Suzy shares the story of being diagnosed with thyroid cancer and how she used the Gerson Therapy to heal after surgery and radiation had failed her. After successfully healing, Suzy realized she wanted to help others on their journeys and so HealingStrong was born. Suzy is passionate about HealingStrong and believes that when God’s design of nutrition, emotional freedom and Spiritual peace is honored, we can live in optimal health.
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Here are some highlights from this Podcast:
(1:20) – Suzy’s story
(4:59) – How a Macrobiotic Diet made a difference
(10:32) – Choosing the Gerson Therapy
(13:39) – The start of HealingStrong
(17:01) – What they offer
(18:00) – Testimonies
(22:51) – An upcoming event