When we think of vitamin E, a lot of us focus on what it can do for skin health. Protecting the skin is just one of the ways that certain kinds of vitamin E can support you on your Breast Health journey. However, years of cutting edge research by Dr.
In Part 1 of this two-part series on biological dentistry, I discussed how to be SMART when it comes to amalgam removal. If you haven’t read that informative article yet, be sure to check it out! In Part II, I’ll discuss how metal in your mouth can throw you off
Curcumin is the main healing substance found in the Indian spice turmeric. It is also one of the most studied herbs around. So much research has been done proving its effectiveness for lowering inflammation that at this point this healing characteristic is simply a given, even amongst conventional doctors. Now
If you have been on a Healthy Breast journey for a while, then no doubt you are familiar with Essential #5 of the 7 Essentials System®, Embrace Biological Dentistry.  For many people, a crucial part of taking care of oral health is getting rid of amalgam fillings or amalgam-filled crowns.

How To Survive and Thrive

Conqueroring Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Natural Medicine.

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