Dioxins are dangerous environmental chemicals and they are everywhere. Since the 1920’s they have been showing up in the food that we eat, and especially in animal products such as dairy. Now researchers are connecting dioxins to BRCA gene mutations and higher risk for breast cancer. Knowledge really is power when
Do you suffer from bloating and gas, nausea, fatigue, joint pain, skin issues, unruly carb cravings, mood swings and maybe even depression? Are you still searching for an answer and feel like you have reached a dead-end? If so, there is one more thing you may consider. You may be
By Dr. SHERRILL SELLMAN There is a new natural medicine on the scene that is creating quite a buzz. It is called Hemp Extract. It is a phenomenal gift from Nature made from the hemp plant. Thousands of clinical studies have proven that Hemp Extract can be used to safely
I am French and I must admit that I do enjoy a good quality glass of wine or bubbly on occasion. But with all the chemicals found in commercial wines, it is difficult to find a clean wine that is not harmful to your health, contains low sulfites, no additives