It takes a lot of energy, time and willpower to eat for your health these days, especially if you are on a Healthy Breast journey. In fact, this journey may seem all-consuming in the initial months after diagnosis or after making a strong commitment to be on a cancer prevention
March is National Nutrition Month! As we move out of those cozy winter months, the turning of the season is a perfect time to renew our commitment to eating right for our Breast Cancer journey. I will never “prescribe” a cookie-cutter diet that applies to all; we are all such
When I first learned of coffee enemas, I thought, “Nope, not for me.” Then, I met Dr. V and became a believer in the 7 Essentials System™. I trusted Dr. V and was impressed by the research that supported detox through coffee enemas. Being a Healing Hannah, I decided to
In Part 1 of Heart Health and Breast Health, I spoke about the emerging field of neuro-cardiology, which is the study of how the heart and the brain communicate with one another. Remember that science now knows that it is the heart which actually sends more cellular and chemical signals

How To Survive and Thrive

Conqueroring Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Natural Medicine.

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