Agriculture is failing us (GMOs, toxins, weak soil, etc.), but aquaculture far exceeds expectations. Algae can flood your body and brain with colossal amounts of chlorophyll, protein, and nutrients needed to stop the cancer and optimize your health. It’s also a potent detoxifier and energizer. Thanks, momma ocean!
Ancient civilizations, NASA astronauts, countless elite athletes, and us on a healing mission have immensely benefited from algae’s compactly packed health benefits. Gut health, mitochondria health, immune health, hormone health, sleep health—you name it—these little ocean plants are chock full of it. Back by thousands of scientific studies, algae, nature’s oldest plant, is something you should consider reeling in for your healing journey.
Doctors, researchers, and pharma should also catch up. However, algae are cheaply grown, so the profit margins are minimal, making it far less enticing for a big company focused on profits—which is tragically the goal of our “health care” system.
Algae (Chlorella And Spirulina) + Breast Cancer Healing
Let’s dive in and swim around for a while because I have much to show you!
Cellular health
First, I must start with your cells because this is where all dis-eases begin. Cancer and other health challenges can not exist in healthy cells. When cells are fed the right nutrients (algae has them all) and filled with oxygen, they can adapt to stress and block DNA damage, aka illnesses, from entering. For further education, please read this blog post on repairing DNA damage [1] after you read this current blog post.
Diving deeper into the sea of your 30 trillion cells are the mitochondria that live in each cell. Its main function is to generate the energy necessary to power cells and all of your biological processes. Mitochondria also keep cells healthy and able to adapt to stress. However, when your mitochondria are damaged, they can’t work as designed, which is when cancer and other diseases can creep into your cells.
In everyday life, here’s how it works: toxic lifestyle choices (stressful relationships, poor sleep, highly processed foods, too much sugar, lack of exercise, etc.) “suffocate and damage” your mitochondria. This forces your cells to thrive on sugar (learn how it fuels cancer via this blog [2]), rapidly increasing pathways that turn on the growth of cancer cells.
While you still must focus on other parts of the 7 Essentials System® [3], along with your treatment plan, algae can provide the mitochondrial functionality needed to create strong, cancer-stopping cells and anticancer effects. For more cellular education, please review these 2019 [4]and 2023 studies [5] to discover algae’s anticancer effects, including preventing metastasis and tumor growth, which we will continue exploring in this blog.
And now, let’s swim out of the ocean of your body (you are actually about 55% water!) and back to the true garden of life—the home of life-healing algae!
All About Algae
This blog post focuses on chlorella and spirulina and briefly on Astaxanthin and a few other forms of seaweed (all types of algae). Yet, there are over 1 million species of algae, so who knows what could be discovered when researchers can devote more time and money to under-the-sea research!
Chlorella: The green algae known for its detoxing, gut and microbiome healing, and sleep-enhancing powers.
When you go to sleep, chlorella gets to work. Its high melatonin concentration sends you into dreamland (essential for all physical and mental healing) and gently detoxes your body while you are catching zzz’s.
Here’s how it works:
It’s a fat-based pigment that wraps itself around stubborn toxins (lead, mercury, mold, heavy metals, and even toxins from radiation and chemotherapy (more on this soon). If these toxins can’t get out, they damage your cells and bring cancer and other health problems in. It also helps with prevention because regular consumption may help keep heavy metals from accumulating in your body’s soft tissues, gut, and other organs in the first place.
When toxins and free radicals are gently removed from your blood, gut, brain, and across your body, it can work as it was designed to. Since breast cancer and tumor growth are closely related to high levels of toxins and metals, finding effective ways to detox is critical for prevention, healing, and preventing recurrence.
Other detox options:
- Coffee Enemas [6]
- Sauna [7]
- Modified Citrus Pectin [8]
- EBOO [9]
- DMSA [10]
Cruciferous Vegetables
By now, you hopefully have heard me talk about cruciferous vegetables and how vital they are for your healing. If not, or if you need a refresher, please read this blog post [11] and check out Brocco Power. [12] Chlorella and cruciferous vegetables both contain large amounts of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll green-colored chemical compound that gives plants and algae their color, which is why algae and many vegetables are green and packed with nutrients. Those three C words are similar and critical for your healing, so I wanted to make the connections and spell out their uses.
I also want to sadly note that while you should always eat your vegetables, the nutrient-weak soil, and GMOs our vegetables are now grown with have vastly limited the number of nutrients our produce can provide. This is why you must supplement with vitamins and other nutrient-dense sources such as chlorella just to get the same amount of nutrients you received when eating veggies as a kid (or maybe you just secretly fed them to the dog!).
My chlorella and spirulina of choice come from ENERGYbits® [13], and you can use code: BCC at checkout for 20% off! I interviewed the founder on my podcast [14]about how she started the company to support her sister’s breast cancer healing journey and algae’s incredible impact on the body. It’s the purest and safest algae I have found, and I highly recommend considering ENERGYbits® [13] for your healing journey.
Spirulina: The blue algae that provide 40 essential vitamins and minerals that empower you with sustainable energy, superior brain health, and immense amounts of nutrition and protein that help you feel your freshest!
A highly effective protein since it’s all amino acids (no cell wall). Therefore, 99% is bio-available, meaning it goes instantly into your bloodstream. You immediately feel the effects of the protein, B vitamins, omega 3s (brain health), beta-carotene, and selenium [15] (both stop cancer growth), as well as all of the other vitamins and minerals in it. Spirulina is so concentrated that one tiny tablet offers the same nutrients as a full plate of vegetables. This is where the energy and fresh feeling come from!
Optimal Brain Health
A spirulina-enhanced diet and supplementation provide neuroprotection from most neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease. It also helps your brain manage anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges that also come with a cancer diagnosis (or, honestly, just everyday life!). Its unique blend of dense nutrients reduces mental fatigue, improves cognitive decline, decreases the number of activated microglial cells (help with neuroprotection), and so much more. Please read this 2022 study [16] to learn more.
This blue pigment is what makes spirulina unique. Phycocyanin has been shown to inhibit angiogenesis, the process through which tumors develop blood vessels to fuel their growth. With spirulina, you’re introducing a natural way to discourage abnormal cell (aka cancer) proliferation.
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)
Spirulina is rich in antioxidants, including Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), one of the few antioxidants able to penetrate the mitochondria (your cells’ powerhouses) to neutralize free radicals. This not only helps to prevent cellular damage and aging but is crucial during cancer treatments where oxidative stress is high.
More super benefits of spirulina:
- Reduces myelosuppression (2019 study [17])
- Improves immune function after chemotherapy in patients with malignant tumors (2019 study [17])
- It may help increase antibodies to fight off cancer and other chronic illnesses (2015 study [18])
- It helps manage blood sugar levels. Please read this blog [19] about the fascinating connection between blood sugar and cancer.
- A safe alternative to weight management drugs and can help prevent cardiovascular diseases. (2013 study [20])
There’s plenty of fish in the sea…
…And plenty more types of super-healing algae.
Astaxanthin is a microalgae with antioxidant activity that is several times stronger than other carotenoids, such as beta-carotene and lutein, and even more potent than vitamin E. All three are extremely important to breast cancer healing. Please click on this blog post [21] to learn more.
[22]Brown and red seaweed
My iodine deficiency was a fundamental cause of breast cancer and my inability to heal. Seaweed is swimming in iodine and can supercharge your immune system. Even more, it can make chemotherapy more effective and provide many other incredible anti-cancer benefits. Please learn more via this blog post. [23] Lastly, enjoy seaweed in the most delicious way with Rootless [24]; my favorite flavor is coconut chai! YUM! Learn all about seaweed and Rootless products via this podcast episode. [22]
As I always say, YOU HAVE OPTIONS! On land and under the ocean, the world is yours to explore and find healing!
Author: Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V [25], is a Doctor of Chiropractic & has 44 years of experience in the wellness industry. For personalized support, please partner with a trained Breast Cancer Conqueror Coach [26].