Kirstin Nussgruber is a cancer nutrition expert, author, and speaker, Kirstin is passionate about helping people get out of the overwhelm of cancer by teaching them how to reclaim their lives. A two-times cancer survivor herself she learned first hand the importance of an integrative medicine approach to one’s health to facilitate true healing. Kirstin is the bestselling author of Confessions of a Cancer Conqueror – My 5 Step Process to Transform Your Relationship with Cancer and creator of First Steps to Take Control of Your Cancer Care, an online self-help program for people looking for an evidence-based start to their healing journey.
In this episode, Kirstin shares with us her two journeys with breast cancer. How she chose an integrative path and what her five-step process was for transforming her relationship with cancer. You can find out more about Kristin and her five step process on her website at https://www.kirstinscancercare.com/.
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Here are some highlights from this Podcast:
(2:29) – A family history of Breast Cancer
(5:59) – The lump story
(10:39) – A second diagnosis
(14:54) – The Five Steps