Haelan – 30 Day Supply

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| Oct, 06 2020

Haelan – 30 Day Supply


Haelan was a formula developed by Chinese Medical Doctors and nutritionists back in the 1980’s. The purpose of the formula was to provide nutritional support for hospitalized patients that were having difficulty in recovering from chemotherapy and other medical treatments.

SKU: 67 Category:


Product Description

How concentrated is 1 bottle of Haelan? One bottle contains 25 pounds of non GMO and organic soy. A particular strain of bean is used and soil conditions are closely monitored in order to produce much greater concentration of isoflavones and genistein.

Isoflavones act as phyto-estrogens or plant estrogens by having weak estrogenic effects on the body, thereby protecting it from the more aggressive, cancer causing estrogens.

A 2013 study that searched over 4100 articles and research trials concluded that “…isoflavones may have a protective effect on Breast Cancer and recurrence.”

Genistein, in high concentrations has been shown to induce Breast Cancer cell death and enhance the effect of radiation on ER+ and ER- Breast Cancer cells.

The most powerful benefit of genistein is that it inhibits Breast Cancer Stem Cells. Breast Cancer Stem Cells (BCSC) were discovered in 2003 by scientists at the U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center.  U-M scientists found that only a few BCSC are responsible for the growth of a tumor. Conventional treatments of the Big 3, chemo, radiation and surgery, simply affect the tumor, but not the underlying cause.