Disclaimer: Always check with your primary care physician before starting coffee enema therapy. We live in a highly toxic world—from chemicals in tap water and beauty products to hidden metalloestrogens, our bodies often can’t handle flushing out all the toxins on their own. Therefore, detoxing with coffee enemas can provide
About 94% of Americans suffer from at least one nutrient deficiency. Between this and all the stress and toxins flooding our systems, of course, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and other illnesses are at an all-time high. One of the root causes of our severe lack of nutrients is that our produce
First and foremost, if you do not remember anything else from this blog, always keep this in mind: Your balanced hormones do NOT cause cancer. However, metalloestrogens, which are a class of xenoestrogens (toxic estrogens), can absolutely be a cause of cancer. Your hormones, including estrogen, are integral to keeping
I created a wellness guide of my favorite items that rejuvenate, restore, and revitalize—this list can save you time and money when you are looking for tools to support your journey or help improve the health of your loved ones. These tools are, first and foremost, hand-picked for you, my