Title: The Truth About Smartphones & EMFs for Breast Cancer Thrivers
“Are smartphones safe?” I get this question all the time, so let’s explore realistic and solution-based answers. When I, Dr. V, the breast cancer conqueror, faced a recurrence with breast cancer for a second time, it was gut-wrenching, and I felt like a fraud. How could this happen to someone
naturally surpress breast cancer stem cells
Breast cancer stem cells (BCSC) can be responsible for relapse even after all “observable” signs of the tumor are gone. At this time, traditional treatments such as chemo and radiation only kill off breast cancer cells—NOT breast cancer stem cells—which can be responsible for metastasis or even recurrence. You can
blood sugar and cancer
The connection between blood sugar and cancer is real. Blood sugar imbalances are a key factor in the development of both cancer and diabetes, as they often stem from the same underlying causes. Think about it this way: diseases occur when your body is not at ease, it’s in dis-ease.
titanium marker clips
Please note: This blog is purely for informational purposes and to give you a few things to consider before deciding to have a titanium marker clip placed in your breast. As always, I am here to provide evidence-based information and perhaps help you ask questions you didn’t even think about.

How To Survive and Thrive

Conqueroring Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Natural Medicine.

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