Quick Read:
1. Chiropractic care can be a helpful tool in boosting your immune system, regulating the nervous system, and navigating the challenges of breast cancer treatment and recovery.
2. Everyone can benefit from chiropractic care as it focuses on whole-body alignment, physically and energetically.
Chiropractic Care and Breast Cancer
Dr. V, the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror®, started her journey (almost 50 years ago!) as a chiropractor. She loved the holistic, hands-on approach to physical and mental health and wellness. Back then, it was one of the few healing therapies that focused on the whole person, as the core of the treatment is about reconnecting all parts of your body together, physically and energetically.
Even in 2025, many therapies and treatment plans just silo one tiny part of a person instead of seeking to understand the entirety of what caused the problem. Especially with breast cancer, not one thing caused it, so not one thing will heal it.
The tools and philosophies Dr. V learned as a chiropractor were instrumental in her conceptualizing the 7 Essentials System® and making Essential #3 “Balance Your Energy.”
When it comes to breast cancer healing, chiropractic care can be a helpful tool. It boosts the immune system, regulates the nervous system, and helps patients navigate the challenges of breast cancer treatment and recovery. Although chiropractic care is not a direct cancer treatment, it can enhance patients’ quality of life and optimize their bodies’ natural healing abilities.
Reducing Pain and Discomfort
While conventional breast cancer treatments may be necessary, they can also leave you feeling awful, depressed, and in life-stopping pain. Migraines and pain in your back, neck, shoulders, and joints are normal side effects but do not have to be mandatory, thanks to the support of chiropractic care. Many doctors will tell you to take drugs for the pain. While it may mask the pain for a few hours, it doesn’t solve the problem.
Let’s break it down:
- Chemotherapy: You are sitting for prolonged periods while your body is flooded with rigorous and unnatural (but necessary in many cases) medicine. This leads to lower back and whole body stiffness and pain.
- Radiation: You have to lie still with your arm in a specific and unnatural position, putting pressure on the tissue of your shoulder.
- Surgery: You are often placed in an awkward position with your neck straining to accommodate a breathing tube.
Western medicine is slowly coming around to how energy medicine, such as chiropractic care, can partner well with conventional treatments. A recent article in the American Society for Radiation Oncology states why cancer centers have been recently partnering with chiropractors to help patients with the effects of frequent body positioning for radiation treatments.
Jeffrey Sklar, D.C., notes about chiropractic pain management, “When this muscle hypertonicity is combined with lying in certain positions for extended periods during treatment, muscle discomfort can increase exponentially. Offering patients a more immediate sense of relief allows for continued care so the patient may return to their activities of daily living following treatment.”
And this is where the true magic kicks in! Being able to return to daily life without suffering from pain makes for a happier woman! On a deeper level, this means her body isn’t suffering from adrenal fatigue, chronic stress, and mental health issues that can be spurred on by body pain and suffering.
Enhancing Lymphatic Drainage
Before we get into the benefits, let’s discuss your lymphatic system. Lymph fluid circulates throughout the body through the lymph “nodes” to transport harmful toxins toward the body’s many detoxification pathways. This system is one of the body’s first lines of defense against pathogens (infections, bacteria, yeast overgrowth, and viruses). White blood cells and other immune system mechanisms reside in the milky-white lymph fluid.
However, the system can get clogged from too much lymph fluid buildup or thick proteins. Doctors call the build-up lymphedema, which can lead to edema and fibrosis.
Chiropractic therapies, such as soft tissue therapy, can facilitate lymphatic drainage. If you are experiencing lymphedema because one or several lymph nodes were removed during conventional surgery or radiation therapy, chiropractic care may be the complementary therapy you should seek.
Along with soft tissue therapy, dry brushing is another option. It’s a simple, at-home therapy that can be done several times a week. Click here to learn more and follow Dr. V’s step-by-step routine.
Elevating Immune Function
Your immune system immune system, which mostly lives in your gut, is crucial in healing breast cancer and recovering from treatments. Misalignments in the spine, known as subluxations, can impair nervous system function and, by extension, immune responses. To learn more about nervous system restoration, please review this blog post.
Additionally, chiropractic alignment can improve GI function and relieve chronic constipation, GERD, IBS, colic, heartburn, etc. It can also support other issues that are just signs of a damaged immune system as it properly aligns your body to how it was designed to be. (Study)
For additional immune system support, Immune Complete gives your system extra support so that it can optimally do its job of fighting off cancer and other illnesses and dis-eases.
Other Complimentary Therapies
While chiropractic care should be something to consider, it’s not the only complementary therapy available. Below is a list of a few other body and energy-focused therapies that can support your mind, body, and soul healing. If you are looking for a one-stop shop for in-person integrative oncology therapies, please check out The Karlfeldt Center in Idaho.
Lastly, chiropractic care is for everyone. It supports a more comfortable pregnancy and birth recovery, improves mobility and posture in seniors (and people of all ages!), addresses vertigo and other neurological conditions, and can even treat colic in babies. From womb to tomb, chiropractic care can be beneficial for prevention, overall wellness, and specific healing.