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| Jan, 04 2021



Artemisinin, a fern-like plant, is world-famous for curing malaria but has been recently used to fiercely attack cancer cells. This study discovered that artemisinin only kills 1 healthy cell for every 12,000 cancer cells, while chemo destroys 1 healthy cell for every 5-10 cancer cells. It also can enhance the effectiveness of chemo.
Since artemisinin is packed with flavonoids that provide anticancer, antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory benefits, anyone can benefit from its natural healing powers.
For more information check out this blog HERE
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Pure artemisinin, the active constituent of the herb Artemisia annua (sweet wormwood).

Pure artemisinin or Qinghaosu, the active constituent of the herb Artemisia annua (sweet wormwood). Good quality Artemisia annua contains 0.3-0.5% artemisinin, so pure artemisinin provides hundreds of times more of the active constituent artemisinin than the whole herb itself.

Allergy Research Group introduced artemisinin to the U.S. market more than three decades ago. Independent cell tests have verified its effectiveness, and we do independent potency assays on every batch, using HPLC. Allergy Research Group artemisinin is minimum 98.5% pure, and does not contain thujone.