Before you read this blog, please note that I am NOT suggesting that you don’t get your yearly mammograms. When I post data about mammography, I often receive angry emails and social media responses about how a mammogram saved their life by detecting breast cancer. Please note, that by the
Hormonal imbalance can show itself in a variety of ways- weight gain, low libido, fatigue, mood swings, insomnia, or just feeling “off.” If you want to prevent hormonal imbalance that can lead to breast cancer, using essential oils to soothe, relax and re-balance may be just what you need.  6
The body is constantly seeking balance in order to maintain optimal functioning. A lot of times, the body’s systems will produce substances in response to stress which can be warning signs that other processes are happening in the body. For example, high levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the bloodstream can
Did you know that there are bacterium living in literally every part of our body? The fact is that there are more bacterial cells in the human body than there are purely human cells! Many people have the impression that all bacteria can make you sick. But not all bacteria

How To Survive and Thrive

Conqueroring Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Natural Medicine.

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