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What are the causes of the early-onset cancer epidemic?

summary: causes of early onset cancer

Between 1990 and 2019, the number of people diagnosed with early-onset (ages 18 – 49) cancer increased by 79% globally. The number of deaths from early-onset cancer increased by 28% during that same period. That’s just in three short decades, and this number could increase as the kids of our world (following current toxic lifestyle choices) become young adults. It’s a horrifying stat, but tragically, the evidence points to just how accurate it is.

However, the causes of this massive spike in early cancer diagnosis can be decreased and even prevented with strategic action and lifestyle changes.

Some of the key alarm sounders (read this study [1] and in a free PDF version [2] for more insight) have concluded that the solutions should be: “Raising awareness of the early-onset cancer epidemic and improving the early-life environment should be our immediate goals: these are likely to reduce the burden of both early-onset and later-onset cancers.”

Chronic diseases have also spiked in younger generations, and so have significant lifestyle changes.  It’s all connected; let’s dive in, review the data, and address practical solutions. 

The Numbers 

First, let’s examine the plain, straightforward numbers. This data is provided by a 2023 JAMA Network review [3] of 2010 to 2019 in America.

During this time, the number of cancer cases increased in populations under the age of 50:

252% for appendix cancer?! That’s terrifying—but it makes sense. Your appendix is in your gut (microbiome – more on that later), and in the last decade or so, you have been bombarded by toxins destroying your gut health more than ever before.

early-onset cancer prevention

Causes of Early Onset Cancers

There has been a major shift in lifestyle in the past few decades, and the COVID-19 pandemic has made things drastically worse. Inflation has made fresh produce prices unattainable for many, lockdowns kept people on the couch and binge drinking, beauty products [4] are oozing with toxins, our tap water [5] is flooded with chemicals, many of us are chronically stressed [6], and I could go on and on. 

And while cancer screening accessibility has increased with new at-home options such as Auria (learn more via this blog [7]), it’s the damaging lifestyle changes that are responsible for this new epidemic of early-onset cancers. Also, most 20 and 30-year-olds are not even thinking about cancer, let alone bothering to take a test—leading to finding more aggressive tumors that have been left untreated for years. So, let’s get straight to it.

Below are a few of the reasons that I and countless researchers (here’s one study [8] by many researchers) across the world have declared the causes of early-onset cancer. 

These points and the research behind them superbly align with the 7 Essentials System® [17], a practical and proven plan for holistic healing and prevention. After reading this blog post, please spend some time reviewing each essential and a few related blogs.

Microbiome + Early Onset Cancers

“You are a symphony of microbes.” – Floré [18]

All of them collectively influence your mood, immune system, GI tract, energy levels, respiratory system, and even breast cancer. Meaning, it’s a tune we should all be singing. What makes it even more beautiful is that your microbiome is as unique as a fingerprint. Not even identical twins share the same design. And it’s not a simple score, either. Your microbiome consists of trillions of microbes, outnumbering regular cells by approximately 10 to 1. Your microbiome is like a never-ending song because all of the causes of early-onset cancer and all cancers and chronic diseases negatively impact your microbiome. Basically, if your microbiome is sick, so are you. And it starts in childhood, and I would like to argue even earlier—the womb.

Many researchers, such as Prof Shuji Ogino of Harvard University, in his recent article [19], are now investigating the links between how a child and a teen eat,  changes the overall balance of healthy bacteria vs. disease-causing bacteria in their digestive system (the microbiome) and the link to early onset cancer.

To me, it seems obvious: letting your kids and teens eat food dyes and processed foods, sit inside all day staring at screens, not taking vitamins, etc., leads to cancer to early-onset cancer. But it’s something that researchers are finally taking a hard look at. Compared to how many kids grew up in my generation: playing outside all afternoon, eating foods that didn’t list 20 ingredients (like they do now) or foods that naturally contained probiotics, not looking at screens (we didn’t have them), etc. 

Here’s what one of the latest studies [20] concluded: 

“The gastrointestinal microbiome is a key factor in this emerging trend (early onset cancers). Emerging evidence suggests that the gut microbiome may influence host genetics, metabolism, and immunity during early-onset digestive system tumor development.”


To further your knowledge of the microbiome and how it relates to cancer development, please review these blogs and podcasts:



Early Onset Cancer Resources

If you or someone you know is under 50 and dealing with cancer, please pass along these helpful resources. Additionally, 7 Essentials System® [17] is for all ages, and so are the blogs [29], recipes [12], and podcasts [30].

On top of providing free blogs, podcasts, and recipes, we are also here to answer your questions so that you never fear breast cancer again! Please reach out via this form [34], and know that I and the entire Breast Cancer Conqueror community are always here for YOU—no matter your age, stage, or background!


Author: Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as  Dr. V [35], is a Doctor of Chiropractic & has 44 years of experience in the wellness industry. For personalized support, please partner with a trained Breast Cancer Conqueror Coach [36].