Quick Read
1. Natural light nourish your cells, support your immune system, and enhance your mood.2. Artificial light can disrupt your natural biological rhythms, spur depression and agitation, negatively impact hormones, and contribute to a range of health challenges, including breast cancer.
3. Taking Vitamin D3+K2 is one of the best things you can do, espeically during winter, to boost your immune system and mood.
Natural light vs. artificial light. The great debate shouldn’t be one at all. There’s no question that the type of light you immerse yourself in matters for your health. Light is far more than what meets the eye. It’s a fundamental force shaping your health and well-being. From the first rays of sunlight that gently wake you in the morning to the artificial glow of screens and bulbs dominating modern life, the type of light you expose yourself to can profoundly impact your body.
Being a Breast Cancer Conqueror means being an investigator, so grab your biggest microscope because we are about to uncover the unseen. It’s time to harness the sun’s healing powers with simple and realistic actions!
The Science of Natural Vs. Artificial Light and Its Impact on Your Health
Light is not just illumination—it’s a powerful energy source that influences your body at the cellular level (where cancer and all dis-eases begin).
Natural light: It’s primarily from the sun and offers a full spectrum of wavelengths (visible light, ultraviolet (UV) rays, and infrared rays) that nourish your cells, support your immune system, and enhance your mood. This is done through wavelength’s ability to regulate critical biological processes such as vitamin D production, circadian rhythm, and mood stabilization.
Artificial light: It’s produced by sources like LED, fluorescent, and incandescent bulbs and primarily emits light in limited wavelengths, often skewed toward blue light. While artificial light is convenient and has sadly become our standard, overexposure can disrupt your natural biological rhythms, spur depression and agitation, negatively impact hormones, and contribute to a range of health challenges, including breast cancer.
Why Natural Light is Essential for Breast Cancer Healing
Our bodies naturally crave the sun (it’s why a day at the beach or lake brings so much joy) because they rely on sunshine for endless functions. Countless studies have proven that a smart amount of sunshine is essential for vibrant health and preventing dis-ease.
For example, this 2020 study states, “Insufficient sun exposure may be responsible for 340,000 deaths in the United States and 480,000 deaths in Europe per year, and an increased incidence of breast cancer, colorectal cancer, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, asthma, type 1 diabetes, and myopia.” Specifically for breast cancer, it found that, “a 400% increased risk of breast cancer was associated with low levels of sunlight (serum 25(OH)D <50 nmol/L compared to >150 nmol/L)
Sunlight, especially Vitamin D, is critical for physical and mental health. This wisdom has been passed on since the dawn of time. For example, the Inuit people of the Arctic have a diet immensely rich in Vitamin D (organ meats, fish, whale, etc.)
For wellness warriors, being in the sunshine doesn’t just mean feeling warm and happy; it also gives you rays of breast cancer healing. Below are ways the sun powers up your health.
Regulating Circadian Rhythms
Natural light exposure during the day helps synchronize your internal body clock, also known as the circadian rhythm. This rhythm regulates sleep-wake cycles, hormone production, and cellular repair processes. A well-functioning circadian rhythm promotes restful sleep—a vital component of healing and immune function. My best tip is to take a morning walk or at least go outside upon waking, and do NOT wear sunglasses or a hat. If you live in a cold spot, sit in front of a sun or “S.A.D.” lamp.
In contrast, excessive artificial light, particularly blue light from screens and LED bulbs, can interfere with melatonin production. Melatonin, often called the “sleep hormone,” has powerful antioxidant properties and plays a role in slowing the growth of breast cancer cells (learn more here). Excessive amounts of artificial light, from working all day in a windowless office to sitting in a house for the rest of the evening, are also a root cause of modern insomnia. We were designed to be in as much natural light as possible!
Boosting Vitamin D Levels
Just about every woman with Breast Cancer that my team and I have supported had a deficiency in Vitamin D. It’s truly an epidemic and an obvious answer to the horrifically high rates of depression, heart disease, osteopenia, fatigue, cancer, and so many other dis-eases. Before continuing, please take a few moments to read this illuminating and solution-based blog post on Vitamin D & Breast Cancer.
Sunlight triggers the production of vitamin D in the skin, the most absorbable part of your body and a direct link to your bloodstream. This nutrient is crucial for bone health, immune system support, reducing inflammation, and improving chemo/radiation outcomes. Therefore, please be intentional about spending at least 20-30 minutes a day outside, without sunscreen, to soak in natural Vitamin D.
I also suggest testing your levels to see exactly how much you should supplement (order Vitamin D+K here). You can also ask your doctor for a simple Vitamin D blood test or take an at-home test such as the YourLabWork package. Your levels should be around 100, so test, test, test!
Enhancing Mood and Emotional Well-being
Stress levels and emotional health are directly connected to your immune system and hormones. Unhealthy emotions can even impact your DNA and how your genes express themselves. This is why I made Essential #4: Heal Your Emotional Wounds, since healing recoveries a total mind, body, and soul recovery.
Natural light exposure stimulates the production of serotonin, a hormone that boosts mood and promotes a sense of well-being. When serotonin levels are low, your body and mind head out on a scavenger hunt for more of it. This leads to craving unhealthy things just to get an artificial boost of serotonin. It’s the reason you want to binge on desserts, Instagram, TV, wine, etc., and experience heightened feelings of depression and anxiety. Instead, be intentional about increasing your amount of natural light and Vitamin D.
Promoting Cellular Health with Infrared Light
Infrared rays from natural sunlight penetrate deep into the skin, stimulating circulation and cellular repair. This can aid in detoxification and tissue healing. You can also benefit from red light therapy devices that provide infrared light. This blog outlines the amazing full-body impacts and specific devices I use.
Your Eyes Also Need Sunshine
I had to add this here because most people never consider it: your eyes need sunshine just as much as your skin. However, contacts, glasses, sunglasses, and others stop your eyes from getting the essential wavelengths (UV radiation) they need to nourish your entire body. Here’s why: your eyes are the most transparent parts of your body and play a crucial role in allowing natural light to enter and support your pituitary and pineal gland (think hormones and thyroid issues). For example, the pituitary gland sends a signal called the thyroid stimulating hormone to the thyroid to help function. However, when it is not working well, your thyroid will have problems. How many of us, especially women who are mostly indoors and are low in iodine (learn more here), have thyroid issues?! No wonder it’s become an epidemic.
Another epidemic is behavioral issues in workplaces and schools, and artificial lights are part of the problem. Research has shown that bright, fluorescent lighting leads to more aggression, ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Now, think about all the kids and adults in window-less rooms looking at screens all day under artificial lighting, not moving their bodies and seeing the sun, and surrounded by EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies). It all really starts to make sense!
This research was first conducted by Dr. John Nash Ott, the pioneer of light research for physical and mental wellness. To learn more about him, his work, and his helpful products, please visit this website.
Note: of course, never stare directly at the sun. However, you should take off your sunglasses in the morning and late afternoon when the sun isn’t as intense so they can soak up the sun’s healing rays.
Why Artificial Light Powers Cancer
Humans were not designed to sit under artificial light all day at an office while looking at a screen, drive in a car, and then sit under more artificial lights and continue to look at more screens (phones, TVs, etc.) Artificial light exposure, especially during evening hours, can disrupt your body’s natural rhythms and negatively impact healing:
- Disrupted Melatonin Production: Artificial blue light suppresses melatonin secretion, leading to poor sleep quality and reduced immune function. Melatonin also puts cancer cells to sleep, and you can learn all about it via this blog. To learn how to truly sleep well, please read this blog.
- Increased Inflammation: Chronic exposure to artificial light at night can elevate inflammation markers—and inflammation is a major cause of breast cancer. Please take a moment to learn about this connection here.
- Oxidative Stress: Prolonged exposure to artificial light can increase oxidative stress, which damages cellular DNA and may contribute to cancer progression.
Additionally, it’s horrible for your mood as it heightens anxiety, depression, and aggression.
Seven “Sun” Alternatives
These tips can light up anyone’s healing journey. However, they are especially necessary for those who live in cold, dark, wintery places.
- Use full-spectrum light bulbs in your home. These better mimic natural light.
- Soak up the sun from a SAD Lamp/Light Therapy Lamp daily.
- Use OttLite products as an indoor alternative to natural light.
- Minimize artificial light and screens at night.
- Bundle up and get outside in the warmest part of the day. Even just a few minutes of fresh air can make a big difference in your mood.
- Create a sunlit workspace. Put your desk near a window to maximize exposure to natural light throughout the day.
- Test your Vitamin D levels (they should be around 100) and supplement as needed with Vitamin D+K.
To wrap things up, remember to unwrap in the sun. Your body craves the sun because it’s designed to heal with its rays. Let’s honor that design and soak up the sunshine we’re meant to thrive under!