Shipping class: Designs for Health

| Oct, 06 2020

Hi-Po Fish Oil

Hi-Po Fish Oil

is our highest concentration of omega-3 product, providing 1,600 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid/docosahexaenoic acid (EPA/DHA) per 2-softgel serving in a balanced 1-to-1 ratio. This product is optimal for supporting the foundational needs of EPA and DHA for long-term supplementation.

Recommended Use: Take 2 softgels per day with meals or as directed by your health-care practitioner.

Warning: Consult your health-care practitioner before use if you are taking blood thinner medication or if you are planning to have surgery.

| Dec, 16 2020

Hormone Clearing Bundle

Now you can get all three of these supplements in one amazing bundle.  Purchase and Save 20% Today! 

| Oct, 06 2020

Immune Complete

Immune Complete is an herbal formula that is designed to support healthy immune system function during cold and flu season. It contains herbs that support normal natural killer (NK) cell activity and the balance of cytokines, which are the regulatory proteins released by immune cells as part of a normal immune system response. The standardized herbs in this formula contain optimal and consistent amounts of the most active ingredients. Immune Complete is suitable for long term use and for all age groups.

Warning; Not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.

| Oct, 06 2020

Immunobel Pro

Immunobel-Pro™ is a clinically studied formula that helps maintain healthy platelet and white blood cell counts.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

| Oct, 06 2020

Indole 3 Carb- 400 mg

Indol 3 Carb- 400 mg

Indole-3-carbinol (I3C), naturally found in vegetables including broccoli, brussels sprouts and cabbage, supports the function of healthy breast cells. Furthermore, a placebo-controlled trial indicated that I3C supports cervical cell health. In recent years, I3C has shown a promising ability to support prostate cell metabolism.
Indole-3-carbinol, the powerful phytochemical found in cruciferous vegetables, provides support for healthy breast, cervical and prostate cells.

| Oct, 06 2020

Iodine Support

iodine supplement

Iodine Support contains potassium iodide for supporting normal thyroid function, including balanced production of thyroid hor­mones and the health of breast and prostate tissue.

Potassium iodide is a weak salt and easily splits apart in the gut, leav­ing free iodide ions to join together forming I2 Iodine. The selenium in this product works synergistically with iodine to support the nor­mal conversion of T4 into T3, and supplies antioxidant protection to the thyroid gland.

Made with non-GMO ingredients.

| Jul, 26 2022

Lipo Vitamin C

How it helps: Vitamin C helps prevent cancer, inhibits tumor growth, protects your cells from damage, and supercharges your immune system. Adding Liposomes/”Lipo” helps the vitamin quickly and efficiently absorb into your body. Please review this blog post to learn more.

How it’s made: This top-of-market Vitamin C supplement is made with Liposomal Technology that acts as an enhanced delivery system for superior absorption and bioavailability.
Recommended Use: Take 5 mL (approximately 1 teaspoon) and hold it in your mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

| Oct, 06 2020

Lycopene 20 mg

Lycopene 20 mg

Pure Encapsulations Lycopene provides a natural tomato extract rich in lycopene, various carotenoids, vitamin E, and other important phytochemicals. In one study involving 30 male subjects, supplementation with lycopene promoted healthy prostate function. This was one of the first randomized, prospective clinical trials to suggest that a lycopene supplement, rather than dietary tomato consumption, supported prostate health. Research compiled in a multi-center study involving ten European countries revealed that the antioxidant properties of dietary lycopene supported cardiovascular health. Fifty- seven epidemiological studies indicate that lycopene from tomato consumption or tomato-based products may help digestive, lung, cervical and breast cell health. Lycopene has also demonstrated potential for promoting retinal and macular health. Pure Encapsulations Lycopene provides optimal antioxidant and cellular health support.

| Oct, 06 2020

Magnesium Ease

Magnesium Ease contains highly absorbable magnesium with each capsule providing 150 mg of elemental magnesium. This product should not cause any of the unfavorable gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms associated with magnesium supplementation due to the very stable chelate formed between two glycine molecules and each magnesium ion via a patented process.

Recommended Use: Take 2 capsules per day or as directed by your health-care practitioner.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

How it helps: Magnesium supports over 300 biochemical reactions, making it one of the most critical minerals in your body. Healthy levels of magnesium lead to amazing sleep, lower depression and anxiety levels, healthy bowel movements, stronger bones, better cognitive function, and so much more. If you want to improve any of the above, taking Magnesium Ease daily will give your body the fuel it needs for optimal functionality. 

How it’s made: Magnesium Ease is developed with a stable chelated form of highly absorbable elemental magnesium, so it should not cause any GI issues. Hence, the “ease.”


| Oct, 06 2020

Melatonin – Slow Release

Melatonin-Slow Release provides 6 mg of melatonin in a sustained-release tablet. The hormone melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland. As a supplement, it is useful for regulating sleep and the body’s daily rhythmic cycle, making it ideal for jet lag. Melatonin is also an important antioxidant that acts as an effective scavenger of free radicals. Various factors may cause melatonin levels to become low, such as inadequate dietary intake of its precursors (tryptophan and serotonin), normal aging, insufficient exposure to natural light, and certain medications. Melatonin may support a healthy immune and stress response.

Made with non-GMO ingredients.

“I’ve been taking the Adrenal Calm and Melatonin since they arrived on Monday. Today is Thursday and for the first time in over a year, I slept straight through the night. I noticed a difference after taking the 1st pill of adrenal calm. I felt relaxed enough, I fell asleep in my chair. I’ve taken both for 3 days now, I feel a difference already. It calmed my mind as well. Thank you so much, for what you do.”  Teena G.

| Oct, 06 2020

Methyl Support

Methyl Support contains synergistic nutrients, including our proprietary NatureFolate™ blend of active isomer naturally-occurring folates, known to facilitate the efficient metabolism of homocysteine. Homocysteine Supreme™ maintains a healthy homocysteine pathway, allowing for the normal production of its necessary and important end products. These include the sulfur-containing amino acids taurine and cysteine, and the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine.* An optimally functioning homocysteine pathway provides methyl and sulfur groups for biochemical reactions such as detoxification, healthy immune function, ideal joint and cartilage structure, and brain and cardiovascular health.
Made with non-GMO ingredients.

| Oct, 06 2020

Onkobel Pro

Onkobel Pro

OnKobel-Pro® is a combination of three Beljanski® plant extracts, each of which selectively support the growth of healthy cells. The combination was designed and formulated specifically for … Read More

| Oct, 06 2020

Optimal Curcumin

Optimal Curcumin is a patent pending, highly bioavailable curcuminoid formulation. It contains a unique combination of three bioactive, health-promoting curcuminoids: curcumin, bisdemethoxy curcumin and demethoxy curcumin, along with turmeric oil. The three curcuminoids are the strongest, most protective and best researched constituents of the turmeric root.
Optimal Curcumin is manufactured utilizing a proprietary process, which helps to optimize the absorption rate of the curcuminoids while reducing their absorption time. This proprietary process uses all-natural ingredients, including vitamin E, medium chain triglycerides (MCT) and lecithin, without the use of potentially harmful surfactants.
Made with non-GMO ingredients.

| Oct, 06 2020


Orasal™ is part of a recommended protocol consisting of four
products*: Orasal, Alk-Align, and pHenomenal. These four products
are designed to work together to serve specific functions critical to
your recovery.
Orasal contains the Salicinium™ molecule. The Salicinium in this
product is specifically targeted to anaerobic diseases including cancer
cells as well as some viruses, bacteria, fungi and Lymes. It is very
important you follow the 16 milliliters per day dosage, taking it every
day. 16 milliliters of the Orasal concentrate is equal to 6 grams of
Salicinium. Since Orasal has a 24 hour half-life, this means that if you
take 6 grams today, you will have ~3.0 grams in your system tomorrow.
By adding, daily, to this residual amount, you are gradually saturating
the tissues throughout your body with Salicinium. Complete saturation
takes approximately 6 weeks on the oral protocol provided you do not
miss a dose. This saturation point is very important because it is at this
point anaerobic diseases lose their ability to produce new anaerobic
cells. This means that you have stopped the forward progression of
your disease; it cannot spread to any other tissues at this point.

| Oct, 06 2020

Package Deal

Package Deal

All 4 products were designed to work together and serve a specific function critical to your recovery.  Orasal contains the Salicinium.  (You will need 2 bottles of this per month to reach saturation) . React is a blend of colostrum which makes your Immune System very reactive. (You will need 2 bottles of this per month)  Alk-ALign is a high pH product that is not digested in your stomach, but is released in your bloodstream, improving the alkalinity of the blood and tissues. pHenomenal is a concentrate which removes uric acid and lactic acid from your tissues. ( It is shipped in 2 liters so you have enough for the month, depending on your body weight)


| Oct, 06 2020

Pancreas Pork Natural Glandular 720 Caps

Pancreatic enzymes break down the protein coating of the cancer cell so that your immune system can detect and fight it. This is why I used high-dose pancreatic enzyme supplements during BOTH healing journeys. To this day, I still take a maintenance dose of 5 capsules of Pancreas Enzymes on an empty stomach, 3 times per day. Please CLICK HERE to review the latest research on the healing powers of enzymes and how to use them as part of your vibrant health toolbox.