Who knew that a simple blade of bright green grass could contain a literal powerhouse of cancer-healing and energy-boosting nutrients?
The ancient Mesopotamians knew it over 5,000 years ago when they grew it in abundance and consumed it for super-health and vitality. And health pioneer Ann Wigmore’s grandmother certainly knew it when she cured her sickly granddaughter of a childhood illness by feeding her grasses and green herbs that grew around her home in rural Lithuania.
Wigmore would go on to found the Hippocrates Health Institute in Boston in the 1940’s and promote the use of wheatgrass as part of a Living Foods Lifestyle.
Nowadays, wheatgrass is well known for its pungent taste as well as its high nutritional value. You can even get a shot served up for you for a few bucks at your local smoothie shop.
But do you know exactly how powerful that little blade of grass really is?
Packed with Chlorophyll
Wheatgrass is a highly alkaline food, and cancer simply cannot live in alkaline conditions. According to the Hippocrates Health Institute, “Wheatgrass is grown from the Red Wheat Berry, a special strain of wheat that produces high concentrations of chlorophyll, antioxidants, active enzymes, vitamins, vital amino acids and other nutrients. It is one of the most nutrient dense substances on Earth.” In addition, wheatgrass is packed with over 100 nutrients, including selenium, vitamin D and dozens of others. It is important to note that there is NO gluten in wheatgrass!
One ounce of wheatgrass juice is nutritionally equal to over 2 pounds of vegetables.
I first learned about wheatgrass in chiropractic school in the 70’s, where us “real healers” were growing and juicing it because of its dense nutrient value, not the least of which was (and is) the presence of high amounts of chlorophyll. Wheatgrass juice contains up to 70% chlorophyll.
Among the many benefits of chlorophyll is an increase of oxygen in the blood when ingested; this creates an internal environment inhospitable to cancer (cancer hates oxygen). In fact, according to a 2009 study conducted by the Linus Pauling Institute at the University of Oregon, chlorophyll is said to a have a direct negative impact on carcinogen bioavailability. A more recent study published in the international journal Tumour Biology found that chlorophyll actually down-regulates the signaling pathways cancer cells need to grow. And a 2010 study conducted by West Virginia University discovered that chlorophyll may be a possible protective agent against toxins found in Breast Cancer cells.
Chlorophyll is also being used with great success in holistic Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy (SPDT) as well as being studied as an alternative to the toxic drug Methotrexate in conventional photodynamic cancer therapy.
Wheatgrass can also be used in your enemas or as rectal implants. I have started adding 4 frozen cubes of wheatgrass (equivalent to 2 ounces of liquid) to my S.A. Wilson Coffee enemas. Allow the cubes to melt completely before starting your enema. Others have also used wheatgrass juice as a rectal implant after the enema. The implant is retained versus being expelled with the enema. Both methods have benefits since your colon has a great absorption rate directly into your bloodstream.
Dynamic Greens: A Family Business on a Mission
You can get a shot of wheatgrass at your local natural foods store or smoothie shop, although the quality and mold content of those tray-grown varieties may be questionable. You can also grow your own, but this takes time as well as space, energy and specialized equipment to juice it.
The best source I have found for super-high quality wheatgrass juice is a business called Dynamic Greens. Dynamic Greens is a 35-year-old, Canadian-based family farm that grows its wheatgrass in clean soil with lots of sunshine and fresh air. They ship their wheatgrass packed in dry ice which keeps it completely fresh and frozen.
I have been using their wheatgrass myself for years and love the fact that I can open up my freezer at any time and enjoy an unpasteurized, flash-frozen, vacuum-packed little cube of green goodness, with all its nutrients intact. To learn more about what makes Dynamic Greens’ wheatgrass superior (it has a lot to do with the soil), check out the informational videos on their website.
If one single substance could represent what it means to be a “superfood,” the humble blade of bright green wheatgrass would be it. Hands down, if you want to stay alkalized, oxygenated and proactive with your health, adding wheatgrass to your healthy breast toolbox is a great place to start.
Dr. V: You state that you use Stem Family Farm’s flash-frozen, vacuum-packed little cube for years. Would you please share how you use them? Many thanks! Julie
You make a great point. However, if someone is on a healing journey, this may be one less thing for them to do.
I may be wrong, but I suspect that this BBC response was meant for my post where I challenged Dr. V regarding the value of participating in a Wheatgrass/Leafy Green Juicing protocol.
Let me first be clear that I think the world of Dr. V and would never assume to second guess her or her recommendations. However, I think that cancer victims need to get up every morning … they need to pee … they need to eat breakfast … they need to function – to thrive – and to NOT give up. I think – a cancer victim benefits from soaking a few wheat berries every morning … sewing the next batch in fertile soil … watering daily … and then harvesting the “green”, the “health”, the “nutrition” … juicing and drinking … and starting again.
I am so sorry for anyone that cannot do this on their own. But the next best thing to independent care giving is working with a loved one, a friend or a neighbor who can – at least initially – assist with the growing and juicing of Wheatgrass. It is my opinion (but I am no Dr.) that any level of self-help or local participatory help is better than ordering frozen WG from a commercial vendor.
Dr. V may be right that – for someone on the healing journey – this [juicing wheatgrass] may be one less thing for them to do. But – just maybe – someone on that journey may benefit from just one MORE thing to do … May benefit from just one more thing to nourish, to water, to bathe in the healing rays of our sun, to harvest … a time to drink … a time to heal …
Based on my research fresh is best and powder is 2ed best!
I grow it…..
Thank you, Dr. Desaulniers, for this wonderful post about the amazing little blades of wheatgrass. I drink wheatgrass juice daily (4-6oz) and agree 95% with everything you said.
What? Why only 95%? You stated that “[growing your own wheatgrass] takes time as well as space, energy and specialized equipment to juice it.”
I believe that growing your own WG is PART of the therapy. It requires no more space than any other house plant. Requires no more energy than that provided by the sun. And the equipment necessary to juice WG (a good slow-speed single auger juicer) costs between $200 and $300. If drinking WG daily, that investment is recouped in ONE years. PLUS, that same juicer works great for all Leafy Greens (Kale, Spinach, Collards, Mustard greens, Dandelions, etc.). This reduces the cost of a good Juicier amortization time to SIX months. It also does a good job on hard, root vegetables (carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, ginger, turmeric, ginseng, etc.) This reduces the cost of a good Juicier amortization time to THREE months. It also does a fair job on fruits (apples, citrus, pineapples, berries, grapes, currants, tomatoes, etc.) This reduces the cost of a good Juicer to 4 or 5 weeks! You get the picture.
I am sure that Dynamic Greens does a great job and provides a good product. But convenience cannot replace the holistic process of planting your own seeds … in your own soil … with your own daily watering … breathing in the oxygen WG produces, loving the seeds, nurturing the blades, grinding the juice, and celebrating the nourishment. And then recycling the sod, feeding the worms, amending the soil, communing with nature, and completing the cycle of life.
THIS is the healing process. Freezer convenience is nice and the nutritional loss may be minimal (may be!), but the healing process cannot be abbreviated … cannot be commercialized.
Is it all worth the extra effort? Well – to cure Breast Cancer? – you tell me. I’m a guy that will not likely get breast cancer. But here’s what I know about Juicing and massive Veg & Fruit Juice consumptions. It doesn’t just cure one form of cancer. The Gersons made it very clear that you cannot prevent one cancer without preventing ALL cancers. In fact, you cannot prevent or cure ONLY one disease. The right therapeutic healing process will prevent or even cure ALL diseases.
Is that worth a $200-$300 Juicer? Is that worth 5 minutes a day to plant, water and harvest your own Wheatgrass? Is that worth 10 minutes a day to Juice WG, Leafy Greens, Root Veggies and Fruits?
There is perhaps no greater investment you can make in your health, well-being and longevity. If you have the time and economic means to feed, water, and clean-up after a dog, a cat or a bird – than you have the time and means to grow and process Wheatgrass.
Throw away your pink ribbons. Stop marathoning for an institution that promotes poisonous kemo and radiation – and simply start growing and juicing Wheatgrass.
I use Pines Wheat Grass caplets…they desolve quickly and are grown here in the US
Been taking a while…you can check the company out at pines international and decide for yourself..
Thanks Dr. V for providing us very good info about wheatgrass and detoxing. I would like to try frozen wheatgrass as a backup when traveling but growing my own wheatgrass is ideal. Dr. Ann wanted us to learn by doing.The very art of soaking, sprouting, planting then juicing promotes healing on all levels. I appreciate all the comments here regarding growing wheatgrass. I am truly inspired to start growing wheatgrass again.
Is powdered wheatgrass dissolved in a coffee enema solution just as absorbable as liquid wheatgrass added to a coffee enema solution? Does the fiber from the powdered form interfere with absorption?
Powdered wheatgrass is the next best option to liquid wheatgrass, but liquid is preferred.
What is the difference between absorbing the nutrients of wheatgrass through the digestion process and absorbing the nutrients of wheatgrass through a coffee enema?
Digesting nutrients orally is a slower process. When absorbed through enemas, nutrients are able go straight to the liver and blood stream making them more bio-available and quickly absorbed.