Learn How to Balance Your Nerve System for Breast Health

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Essential #3: Balance Your Energy | Oct, 08 2024

Learn How to Balance Your Nerve System for Breast Health

Everything is energy. “You are only one billionth of physical matter…the rest is ALL energy.” -Nobel Prize Laureate Carlo Rubbia. Therefore, balance your nerve system. Your energy and hormone systems are all crucial pieces of the healing puzzle. Every part of yourself is meticulously and brilliantly connected—no bodily system works in a silo.

For example, when you are constantly stressed, your sympathetic nerve system and adrenaline hormones can alter genetic codes, sending a cascade of problems to your immune system. These can include reducing natural killer cells, inhibiting cancer cell apoptosis, preventing DNA repair (learn more here), and massively increasing inflammation (impacting every stage of cancer) throughout the body.

All of which can invite cancer and countless other dis-eases into your body.

Even though real stressors and traumas can be around every corner, there are also proven methods and practices that can help you manage and take control of life’s difficulties. Balancing your nerve system is multifaceted because you are a complex being living in a complicated world. However, learning about your nerve and energy systems, heart connection, the language of your body, and so forth will empower you to be more resilient and face challenges (especially ones outside of your control) with calm, strategy, and ease. 

7 ways to Balance Nerve System

You are an electrical being.

You and I are electrical beings that function using bioelectrical signals from our brain, nerve system, and heart. Chronic stress, harmful environmental exposures (EMFs), toxins in our food, and other factors impact this delicate transmission system in your body. Your nerve system commands and controls every aspect of your body, like a computer.  It’s always “on” and listening for signals that indicate danger or safety.

Your Nerve System

In everyday terms, your nerve system allows you to communicate with the world around you. It controls your memories, thinking and learning, breathing, sensory systems (light, taste, heat, pressure, order, etc.), and movements. As mentioned, your nerve system is a complex network of nerves and nerve cells that controls and coordinates your body’s functions. It’s made up of two systems:

  • Central nerve system (CNS): Located in the dorsal (back) body cavity, it connects your brain and spinal cord. The CNS receives sensory information, processes it, and responds.
  • Peripheral nerve system (PNS): This one includes all the nerves and ganglia outside of the CNS. The PNS is divided into the somatic nerve system (controls voluntary movement) and the autonomic nerve system (involuntary functions)

Here’s a real-life example. Your vertebrae and skull protect the electrical system from harm, but when your vertebrae are misaligned or become subluxated (partial dislocation) because of physical, chemical, or emotional stress, the electrical flow of the nerve system can be impeded. Quality chiropractic care and the techniques listed below focus on correcting a dysfunctioning nerve system and restoring your body to how it can—and should—function for optimal health.

Your Vagus Nerve

The Vagus Nerve (part of the PNS autonomic nervous system) has become a major focus for neuro-cardiologists because it is responsible for cellular communication in the body, and cancer is a cellular disease. It starts in the brainstem and travels down the spine, interacting with the heart, lungs, GI tract, and reproductive organs. It is also responsible for the relaxation response that should be part of your daily routine for heart coherence and complete healing.

Your Nervous + Immune System Connection

The two are in consistent communication through neurotransmitters and hormones; when one is down, so is the other. Here are a few examples:

  • Stress can drastically impact both nervous and immune systems, making your body more susceptible to infections and diseases.
  • Neurons can fire signals within milliseconds of encountering a pathogen, helping your body detect danger quickly and alert other body parts to take action (aka: your immune system).
  • The nervous system regulates immune function, while the immune system modulates brain activity. It’s just one big circle consistently flowing through your body.

A Few Ways To Damage Your Nerve System

You must first know about something to stop doing it. Our bodies were not designed to consistently be in a stressed state. Spikes of cortisol are supposed to be rare, with plenty of time between for your nerve system to replenish and heal. However, we all know that our reality may be closer to a chart that shows a consistently stressed-out state.

Therefore, I’m listing a FEW ways you may be damaging your nerve system without realizing it. In the next section, I’ll provide many ways to restore, balance, and heal it.

  • Breast Implant Illness. Silicon implants are like toxic soup in your body and can cause nerve system disorders, especially neuropathy when leakage happens. Please read this blog post to learn more.
  • DEET and other toxic bug sprays. These harsh chemicals can cause serious side effects on cognitive function and your nerve system. For more information and alternatives, please read this blog post.
  • EMFs. Electromagnetic frequencies or electro-pollution (Wi-Fi, “wearables,” Bluetooth, etc.) are a fairly new toxin that our nerve systems can’t handle well. Please review this blog post for more insight and solutions.
  • Trapped trauma. Emotions and trauma can be “trapped” in your body as emotional baggage. This effect can lead to body pains, sickness, and diseases.
  • A breast cancer diagnosis. This can leave you frozen in a steady state of fear if you don’t do the work and take control of your nerve system.
  • Handling stress like your parents did. It’s sadly true; family habits are hard to break. Did they just “ignore” their problems or numb the pain with liquor? Did they yell at each other and then act like nothing ever happened? Did one person shut down and store trauma and stress deep inside their body? I hope that you were fortunate to grow up in a home with healthy communication and emotional regulation, but if you weren’t—today is a good day to break the cycle. See below!

brain fitness for balance nerve system

MANY Ways to Strengthen and Balance Your Nerve System

When a person feels calm, supported, and centered, another (wonderful) cascade of hormonal interactions occurs: The Relaxation Response. It places the limbic system, the most primitive part of the brain, into “hibernation mode,” putting cortisol and adrenaline production to rest.  The Relaxation Response also allows the healing mechanisms of the parasympathetic nerve system to cleanse your body, mind, and soul with endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin. All making you feel happy and whole while stretching your nerve and immune systems.  

Here is a sampling of therapies I use to calm and balance my nerve system and enter into The Relaxation Response.

  • Dry Brushing. It’s quick and supports your lymphatic, nerve, and immune systems, all while providing a relaxing and invigorating self-care therapy. This blog post has all the details.
  • Heal Emotional Wounds.  Energy is the foundation of your body, and emotions are just “energy in motion” that has become stuck—emotional baggage. This “baggage” can negatively use heartmath to balance nervous systemaffect how you think about yourself and your relationships with others, how you react to stress, and how your physical body is damaged. Please learn how and where emotions and trauma get trapped in your body via this blog post.
  • Train your subconscious mind. Changing your thoughts changes your brain—your brain develops new neurological pathways that create patterns, behaviors, and a new, healthy body. This blog post outlines several steps to train your subconscious mind, activate the relaxation response, and heal your nerve system.
  • Sleep well. I honestly can’t stress how critical it is to get a rejuvenating night of sleep. Please read this blog post to learn how to put yourself and your breast cancer cells to sleep with melatonin.
  • Recall Healing. This Psycho-Neuro-Immunology therapeutic technique helps you “Identify and solve the emotional trauma behind the condition or behavior.” Please learn more and get a free guide via this blog post.
  • Heal Your Inner Child. Our subconscious reactions often stem from what we endured growing up and have yet to process and heal. So, as adults, we sometimes overreact and don’t consciously understand why we do certain things. It is our hurt inner child surfacing and acting out. Please learn more about steps to healing your “little girl” in this blog post.

Products I use to balance my nerve system

  • BrainTap. Their LED visor and headset use auricular therapy (Chinese medicine that stimulates specific points of the ear), light therapy, and various frequencies to relax and train your mind. Its patented technologies and design help you tap into different neural pathways to unleash creativity, control stress, improve communication capacities, enhance focus, speed up healing, and, most importantly—relax better. Please read this blog post to learn all about it.
  • Heart Math. Their Inner Balance Heart Math app has been instrumental in my journey to coherently align my physical, mental, nerve, and emotional systems—heart coherence. By doing so, I experience increased access to my heart’s intuitive guidance for approaching situations with more compassion, clarity, personal confidence, and emotional balance to be the best version of myself. Please review this blog post for more info.
  • Chiropractic care. It focuses on correcting dysfunction in the Nerve System, by bringing balance to the vertebrae, which protect the spinal column. Proper spine alignment prevents stress on the nervous system, helps to reduce stress responses, and boosts your immune system overall. Removing subluxations (spinal misalignments) can also unblock signaling pathways between your nerve system, organs, and immune system. Please read this blog post to learn more.

A balanced nerve system heals cancer.

Dr. Mona Meyer spent ten years researching cancer before flowing into energy and nerve system work as a certified EFT (tapping) and Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner. Her work at the Cancer & Wellness Center combines her research, passion, and experience to help you restore energy and well-being for your body, mind, and soul throughout your cancer journey. Please listen to her podcast episode and visit the virtual Cancer & Wellness Center to get started!

Inhale, exhaalleee. You got this.


Author: Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as  Dr. V, is a Doctor of Chiropractic & has 44 years of experience in the wellness industry. For personalized support, please partner with a trained Breast Cancer Conqueror Coach.