If you have been on a Healthy Breast journey for a while, then you probably know some of the possible risks associated with mammography. While some women still use this conventional screening tool exclusively, many others search for safer options. If you are one of these individuals, then you should be aware that there are LOTS of other ways to consistently screen for presence of Breast Cancer. What’s more, many of these tools have proven to be very effective for early detection.
#1 Thermography
I have been sharing the benefits of thermography for years and I still consider it one of the best and most effective early screening tools. Why? Because thermography can often detect inflammatory anomalies and physiological changes in the breast area years before other methods can.
Thermography is also known as “Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging” or DITI. It is designed to read the “infrared heat” that is emitted from the body. DITI can potentially detect unhealthy cells years before a lump may be detected on a mammogram. Research going back to the 1980’s has proven that thermography works.
I encourage you to support the findings of a thermogram or mammogram with an ultrasound. Ultrasound can give you a visual representation of any changes in your breast tissue. No one screening tool is 100% accurate, so getting several images of your breast tissue insures that you are getting the best overview of any changes in your breast tissue.
#2 The “Trifecta” Tests
The term “Trifecta” comes from integrative oncologist Dr. Nasha Winters and refers to 3 very basic blood tests. For those who are already on a healing journey with Breast Cancer, she recommends getting these tests done every three months:
-HS – CRP: High amounts of C Reactive Protein, or HS-CRP, have been connected to higher levels of inflammation in the body. Of course, inflammation is the common denominator in almost every disease state, including Breast Cancer. Higher levels of CRP are associated with a higher mortality rate with breast cancer.
-LDH: LDH stands for Lactic Acid Dehydrogenase, an enzyme that is in all living cells. High levels are associated with disease conditions and inflammation. Major research has already determined high serum LDH to be a biomarker for Breast Cancer.
ESR: ESR stands for Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and takes a look at how red blood cells clump together. It also measures inflammation levels, especially those that may come from either a pathogen (like a cancer cell) or an autoimmune reaction.
#3 Other Key Substances
In addition to the Trifecta, consider getting tested for these other breast health-related substances:
-Vitamin D: A 2017 study found that vitamin D levels lower than 20 ng/ml were connected to higher Breast Cancer risk.
-Iodine (and iodine blockers): Iodine is responsible for a lot more than just thyroid health; mammary gland tissue uses iodine as fuel as well. I recommend getting a 24 hour urine Iodine Loading Test along with getting your levels of common “iodine blockers” tested as well. These include fluoride, bromide and chloride. A good lab to connect with to get all of these tests done in one package is Hakala Labs.
-IGF-1: IGF-1, or “Insulin Growth Factor-1” is normally associated with insulin resistance. However, an overabundance can also lead to higher levels of aggressive forms of estrogen as well as other hormonal imbalances.
-Nagalase: Nagalase is an enzyme that is emitted by cancer cells and viruses. In a nutshell, it puts your immune system “to sleep” so that it does not recognize the cancer cells.
#4 IvyGene Test
The makers of the Oncoblot Test (which is no longer available) now have a brand new test called Ivy Gene. Created by Mor-NuCo Enterprises, Ivy Gene is for early detection for Breast Cancer as well as lung, prostate and colon cancer in the body.
Ivy Gene relies on an analysis of free cancer DNA methylation. Specifically, this one-of-a-kind testing method measures sequencing patterns for methylation that are specific to tumor cells. This makes for a more accurate analysis all around.
If you are unfamiliar with the important role methylation plays in the healthy functioning of many aspects of your body, be sure to read about it HERE.
#5 RGCC Test.
The RGCC Test is also known as the Greece Test. It can be a very valuable tool to help you determine specific options, both traditional and natural substances options to support your healing journey. If you wish to utilize RGCC test results, I recommend that you work with an integrative professional that understands how to interpret the results and create a protocol for you. Our 7 Essentials® Certified Coaches are very familiar with interpreting the results of this test.
Know Your Options When It Comes to Safe Breast Cancer Screenings
The science is constantly improving when it comes to accuracy in early breast cancer screening methods. My hope is that this article can give you an “updated profile” of some of the most effective screenings that are typically used outside of traditional medicine.
Why isn’t 3D Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) on this list?
Hi ALison! Ultrasounds are a great option. It is listed in conjunction with thermography.
Are there practitioners who know what to do with positive breast thermography results? Or do they just send you for a mammogram?
Absolutely! Check out this resource to see if there are clinics in your area: http://thermologyonline.org/Breast/breast_thermography_clinics.htm
If you have very very dense breasts is the “My Breast Friend” actually helpful?
Absolutely! If you have breasts, My Breast Friend is a great tool for you. The model teaches you how to detect lumps no matter what kind of breast tissue you have.
Thanks so much for this breakdown of safe screening methods, which enhances my knowledge. You are a gift to the world and I thank you every time I receive a new email on how to heal yourself on the cancer journey.
Thank you for this helpful information. I have just heard that I have breast cancer. I must now search for clinics or integrative drs. here in South Africa. It tested positive for estrogen and Her2. It has been a shocker but your book has helped me realise that it is a warning to be thankful for because something else in the body is out of balance. And that can be worked on. Which subsecuently wil lead to healing. Thank you so much. Deeply appreciated.
Hello Marlene! I am so happy that you found Dr. V’s book helpful! If you are looking for more information or personalized, one on one guidance you might find one of our coaching options helpful. Here are the links with the options:
I am a 4 year hormone positive breast cancer survivor. I am 51 and recently had a hysterectomy because Tamoxifen caused me to get very large uterine fibroids. I no longer take T and am experiencing constant hot flashes and night sweats. What do you suggest for relief?
Like Dr V says “test, don’t guess!” Think about having a hormone saliva test. That will tell you whether your 3 estrogens are balanced and whether your estrogen is balanced to your progesterone (Which, with the symptoms you are having, they aren’t!) That way you can see what needs to be done (if you are willing to take bio-identical hormones or at least “work at it” foods and supplements which can help). In the search bar of the website, put in “hormones” and several articles and podcasts will come up about it!