Like DMSO, Methylene Blue (methylthioninium chloride) is an inexpensive and easily obtainable medicine with a wide variety of uses. It was first used to dye clothing, such as blue jeans, and in the early 1900s, researchers started discovering its medical uses. This old medicine has been making a comeback and could be a remarkably helpful supplement in your healing breast cancer toolbox. However, as with every supplement, therapy, and treatment, please talk to your medical team before trying it.
The Many Uses of Methylene Blue
From dying clothes to antitumor therapy, Methylene Blue has many uses, some of which have yet to be discovered. In the following sections, I will discuss its breast cancer benefits and how to take them, but before then, I want to share its wide variety of uses. The info below is from Mark Sloan, ScienceDirect, StatPearls, EndAllDisease.com, and Dr. Lauren Deville,
- Has antioxidant, antimalarial, antidepressant, and cardioprotective properties.
- Used by researchers as a stain for identifying bacteria and parasites.
- It helps healthcare providers identify abnormal and suspicious cells during diagnostic medical procedures. It’s specifically been used to find gastrointestinal cancers, overactive parathyroid glands, and cancer inside lymph nodes.
- Used to treat malaria since 1891.
- Helps with neurodegenerative conditions such as stroke, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.
- Increases thyroid hormone production. It can also increase testosterone and decrease estrogen.
- It may help with blood pressure and hypotension as it inhibits the enzyme nitric oxide synthase.
- It helps with weight loss and management as it improves metabolism by improving mitochondrial function and respiration, oxygen consumption, ATP production, glucose consumption, and decreasing lactic acid production.
- Heals damaged mitochondria, the root of most diseases and illnesses.
- It may support better mental health.
As you can see, it has many uses because it primarily supports healthy cells and their mitochondria.
Methylene Blue and Your Mitochondria
Mitochondria are organelles found in human and animal cells. They’re where your body produces ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a chemical energy used throughout the cell. If you don’t want to go on a long, scientific journey into your cells, here’s the summary of why taking methylene blue helps: Improved mitochondrial function enhances overall cellular energy and optimizes cellular function—and cancer can’t live in healthy, functioning cells. (Study)
Methylene Blue and Anti-Inflammatory Support
About 95% of ALL cancers (and most dis-eases) have inflammation in common, and it impacts all stages of tumor development, including initiation, progression, and metastasis. Chronic inflammation caused by stress, bad diet, toxins, air pollution, etc., creates an inviting environment for cancer to develop and grow due to immunosuppression. To learn more about the connection between breast cancer and inflammation, please read this blog post.
Free radicals, triggered by the toxins mentioned above, are unstable and reactive molecules that steal electrons from healthy, stable cells. An overflow of unchecked free radicals leads to chronic inflammation and damaging cells. This can open the door to infection, illness, and even cancer through a process known as oxidative stress.
Methylene blue acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing harmful free radicals and reducing inflammation. By searching for free radicals and deploying potent anti-inflammatory effects, methylene blue helps protect cells from oxidative stress and damage while preventing chronic diseases that stem from inflammation.
Methylene Blue and Tumors
While the research is new and needs more of it, the initial results are exciting and promising. Here are two studies to review.
This April 2024 study discovered that methylene blue enhances tumor oxygenation levels, contributing to more effective anti-tumor therapy. “For low concentrations of MB (10 mg/kg, equivalent to 30 µM), the oxygenation level increased in small tumors and normal tissue 120 min after the MB introduction.”
This 2023 study concluded, “The results of the systematic review support the suggestions that photodynamic therapy with methylene blue helps against different types of cancer, including colorectal tumor, carcinoma, and melanoma. In cases of nano-pharmaceutics use, a considerable increase in anticancer therapy effectiveness was observed. Further research into Methylene Blue in photodynamic anticancer therapy is needed.” Please learn more about photodynamic therapy via this blog post.
How I Take it
I use Methylene Blue 1% | USP-Grade, made by Compass Laboratory. You can buy it on their website or Amazon. It’s made in the USA and does not contain fillers. For dosage, check out Mark Sloan’s book on Methylene Blue. He has recommendations on dosage amounts based on your needs and weight.
There’s not much of a taste to it. I put drops in a shot glass and mixed in some water. After shooting it down, I rinse my mouth with water. If your teeth turn blue, just drink a bit of water with lemon juice in it, do oil pulling (something everyone should do weekly), or drink it through a straw to avoid your teeth altogether.
Who Should Not Take Methylene Blue
As with any medication, there can be certain risks and conflicts. If you take serotonin-raising medications (SSRIs or SNRI), have a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, or are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not take methylene blue. Oral ingestion of methylene blue can cause GI upset, including nausea, but usually at higher doses.
***As always, check with your health care provide before introducing anything new into your protocol.***
Survive & Thrive Online Program
Since oncologists are specifically trained to use certain therapies, they may not know about ALL of the healing therapies available, such as Methylene blue. This is why I created the Survive & Thrive online program to give you insight from integrative doctors, medical doctors, breast cancer specialists, functional medicine doctors, naturopathic doctors, life coaches, and many other healers.
It’s not just about getting rid of the “lump” – it’s about a complete transformation – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Tune in and let the healing begin!
Author: Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is a Doctor of Chiropractic & has 44 years of experience in the wellness industry. For personalized support, please partner with a trained Breast Cancer Conqueror Coach.