It’s Breast Health Awareness Month, otherwise known as BHAM! The “PINK” month creates awareness about Breast Cancer, but not much is being said about what it takes to truly prevent Breast Cancer. So I have taken the liberty to rename Breast Cancer Awareness to Breast Health Awareness.
Every October, we focus on the Healthy Breast journey that we are traveling together. Those who follow the 7 Essentials System™ know that this journey is about more than just healing and preventing Breast Cancer. It is a lifestyle that promotes healthy, vibrant living every day of the year. To support YOU during BHAM month, I am offering one of my top-selling products—the Never Fear Breast Cancer Again On-Line Course*—completely FREE!
The 7 Essentials™ System
When I experienced my first healing journey with Breast Cancer in 2004, I understood that cancer was just the tip of the iceberg – it was a symptom that my body was out of balance. I thought I was doing everything right but obviously I had missed a few pieces of the puzzle. After a lot of persistence and countless hours of research, I was able to turn my situation around naturally.
Out of this initial experience came the 7 Essentials System™, a step by step guide that takes the overwhelm and confusion out of a healing journey. In a nutshell, here is a rundown of what this system is all about:
Essential #1: Let Food Be Your Medicine. Whole, non-GMO and organic foods are your primary medicine for living a vibrant, health-filled life.
Essential #2: Reduce Your Toxic Exposure. We are exposed to hundreds of toxins every day in our environment; our food and water, and even the cleaning and sundry products in our homes can prove to be toxic. Reducing your exposure to these harmful substances is vital as well as learning how to properly detox your body.
Essential #3: Balance Your Energy. Everything is energy. In scientific terms, how the body expresses this most is through the Central Nervous System and the Acupuncture Meridian System. Balancing your energy also involves proper sleep, moving your body and making sure your hormones are balanced. Keep in mind that YOUR hormones do NOT cause cancer.

Essential #4: Heal Your Emotional Wounds. Did you know that unhealed traumas and PTSD can actually raise your risk for cancer? Taking the time to uncover childhood traumatic events as well as recent stressors is vitally important to creating vibrant health.
Essential #5: Embrace Biological Dentistry. Your mouth can be a little-known yet major source of toxicity for your whole body, especially if you have root canals or amalgam fillings.
Essential #6: Repair Your Body with Therapeutic Plants. Besides eating a whole-foods diet, knowing which herbs and plants to use in order to potentially stop cancer cells in its tracks is essential. There are hundreds of evidence-based natural medicines that can be used to support your body.
Essential #7: Adopt Very Early Detection. Keeping a pulse on your health with various forms of testing, both traditional and non-traditional, can potentially give you years of advance warning that cancer may be developing.
What is the Never Fear Breast Cancer Again Online Course?
The 7 Essentials System™ provides the framework I expand upon in the Never Fear Breast Cancer Again Online Course*. It provides you with 8 full hours of bite-sized 10-minute videos, PDF’s action plans and resources to take you from confused to confident.

For this course, you work at your own pace. You also have the option of downloading and printing all the material to read off-line as well. In addition, there is a special bonus section on how to support your body if you are undergoing conventional cancer treatments absolutely.
Knowledge Is Power
Whether you want to prevent breast cancer or support your body through a healing journey, then diving into the 7 Essentials at your own pace, can support you in making simple changes that can lead to big results. Please enjoy my gift to you – Never Fear Breast Cancer Again Online Course* could be just what you are needing to move forward with confidence and commitment.
Happy BHAM Month! Please email me to let me know how you personally benefited from my on line course.
**This offer is for the downloadable version only. It does not include the physical workbook or thumb drive.**
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System ™, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal Breast Cancer Naturally. To get your F.R.E.E. 7 day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of Natural Medicine, visit https://breastcancerco.wpengine.com/.