The Healing Bras— a medical bra that helps women live their breast life! From the moment I heard about this, I immediately got to work on getting them on this podcast because it’s the support we all need. Their bras offer gentle compression and special therapeutic Healing Pads that can
Clarity and optimism CAN be found even in the most overwhelming and scary situations, such as a breast cancer diagnosis. A mindset reboot for emotional healing is possible, and grace and grit are powerful tools to transform your challenges into personal growth and empowerment! If you need to focus on
Ancient food wisdom holds the key to transforming your health and reclaiming your vitality. Like many, Andrea Beaman once believed chronic illness was just a part of life—until she was diagnosed with an ‘incurable disease’ and decided to forge her own path. With a dedication to ancient food wisdom, her
“Breast imaging and radiology seems like a small part of the body, but yet it could really go a mile deep.” Dr. Lilian O. Ebuoma shared that poetic line on this podcast episode, and it beautifully sums up her life’s work and the reason she beautifully aligns with the 7