Dr. V's Podcast

Dr Ellen Podcast
“While I am the healthiest person I know, I was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer.” Dr. Ellen Albertson: a psychologist, registered dietitian, and national board-certified health and wellness coach. Upon a lot of honest self-discovery, Dr. Ellen found a few key areas that needed healing and re-shifting. In just
Catharine Arnston Podcast
Algae is one of the most alkaline, chlorophyll-rich, high-protein, nutrient-dense foods in the world! Thanks, momma ocean! Catharine’s journey into the fascinating world of algae began in 2008 when her sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and advised by her oncologist that an alkaline diet would improve her healing. She
Bethany Webb Podcast
“Truly live the f*ck out of life!!” – Bethany Webb: Mindset Coach, Stage IV Cancer Thriver, and Author of My Guru Cancer. As a mindset coach, Bethany approached cancer with an open mind, heart, and sense of humor. The mindset practice that she uses is The Work by Bryon Katie.
Dr Vickers Podcast
Using the Advanced Gerson Therapy to Reverse the Breakdown of Human Health. Cancer is a metabolic disease—a problem at the cellular level. You truly are what you eat.  Glutamine, glucose (sugar), and processed toxic foods feed cancer. But the opposite starves cancer cells. The late Dr. Max Gerson, “The most