Using the Advanced Gerson Therapy to Reverse the Breakdown of Human Health. Cancer is a metabolic disease—a problem at the cellular level. You truly are what you eat. Glutamine, glucose (sugar), and processed toxic foods feed cancer. But the opposite starves cancer cells. The late Dr. Max Gerson, “The most
It’s beyond just treating the symptoms. Killing the tumor isn’t the answer—truly healing the woman is. That means removing the parts of your life that lead to cancer and covering your life with what is beneficial and brings you joy. This is Dr. Jenn Simmons’s philosophy and life mission. After
Learn to break through what’s holding you back! Tom McCarthy trains top people in the world’s biggest companies—Microsoft, Wells Fargo, Salesforce—to harness the power of their minds to create breakthroughs in their health, prosperity, and happiness. He is a husband, father, author, speaker, entrepreneur, investor—and someone who lost his father
Are planting with GMOs the “root” cause of dis-eases? Thanks to Jeffrey Smith’s trailblazing documentaries, books, speeches, and interviews, the majority of Americans are now rejecting GMOs due to health and safety concerns. The food industry is taking action thanks to consumer rejection and health practitioner pressure! On top of