Dr. V's Podcast

Mary Beth Gonzalez
Mary Beth Gonzalez is the widow of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. She founded The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation a few months after Dr. Gonzalez died in 2015. She is the Publisher of New Spring Press and has just released Dr. Gonzalez’s biography by Mary Swander – The Maverick M.D. Mary Beth proudly
Finding that Relaxation Response
Breast Cancer Conqueror celebrates its 100th episode with Dr. Veronique Desaulniers.  Dr. V is the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror, the 7 Essentials System®. Her signature process has empowered thousands of women around the world.  Veronique has personally conquered breast cancer twice, which gives her an empathetic perspective to understand other
Saskia Lighstar
Saskia Lightstar is a breast cancer survivor, spiritual teacher, wellbeing & happiness coach, and inspirational speaker.   After Saskia’s treatment for breast cancer ended in 2012, she found herself struggling to move on. She had beaten cancer only to feel stuck and lost in a no man’s land between who she
Heal The Heart
Dr. Lise Janelle is a renowned inner game coach, professional speaker author, educator, and founder of the Centre for Heart Living. She helps her clients align their subconscious minds with their heart-driven goals so they can more quickly live happy, grateful lives filled with love, inspiration, and success. With a