Brussel sprouts are part of the cruciferous family containing a great amount of phytonutrients. Brussel Sprouts contain a plant substance called Indole-3-carbinol; which can help the body excrete estrogen and other hormones. They are rich in Sulfur-containing nutrients that help support Phase 2 detoxification. Brussel sprouts are also a great source in vitamin C and manganese; which are essential for Phase 1 detoxification. Bon Appétit!
16 Oz Brussels Sprout
1-2 tbsp High Heat oil, I used Avocado Oil
Salt and Pepper
For the Cashew Crème:
1 Cup Raw Cashews, Soaked for at least 6 hours
1 lemons, juiced
1 garlic clove
1 Cup Fresh Basil Leaves
2 tbsp unsweetened plain milk of choice
½ ripened avocado
1 tsp ‘Herbamara seasoning. (I use this seasoning on pretty much everything I cook. The spices give a great flavor that is not over powering with salt.)
If you can’t find the seasoning add: ½ tsp onion powder, ½ tsp Garlic powder, ½ tsp Himalayan Salt or more to taste.
Remove the stem from the Brussels sprouts and cut in halve. Mix the sprouts in oil and roast for about 30 minutes at 375 degrees. Make sure you flip the Brussels sprouts half way through. If you like them crispier just cook them a little longer until your liking.
For the Cashew Crème:
Mix all the ingredients in a high powder blender or food processor. Add more milk of choice if too thick.
Leftover dip can be enjoyed on crackers, vegetables, burger, sandwiches, fish, etc. Store in refrigerator for 3-5 days.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers (“Dr V”) is the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror.com and The 7 Essentials System®. This step-by-step guide empowers you with knowledge so you Never Have to Fear Breast Cancer Again! To watch a FREE webinar about the 7 steps for beating breast cancer naturally, Click Here.