The Truth About Smartphones & EMFs For Breast Cancer Thrivers

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Essential #3: Balance Your Energy | Oct, 01 2024

The Truth About Smartphones & EMFs For Breast Cancer Thrivers

Title: The Truth About Smartphones & EMFs for Breast Cancer Thrivers

“Are smartphones safe?” I get this question all the time, so let’s explore realistic and solution-based answers.

When I, Dr. V, the breast cancer conqueror, faced a recurrence with breast cancer for a second time, it was gut-wrenching, and I felt like a fraud. How could this happen to someone who “does everything right” and has dedicated her life to bringing vibrant health to our world?!

After an honest review, I realized I was not following my healing principles and was neglecting key details. For example, I was working so hard to help women around the world (way too much screen time) that my adrenals were burned out from a lack of sleep, and a pile of chronic stress wore heavy on me as I was burning both ends of the candle.

This led me to prioritize my adrenal health (learn more via this blog) with adrenal calm and melatonin (it also puts cancer cells to sleep–learn how via this blog), and I restructured my life. It also put me on the path to discovering I was electro-sensitive, which was another reason I was not sleeping well and suffered with insomnia, hormonal imbalance and fatigue—all part of my cancer relapse. 

What Does “Electro-Sensitivity” Mean?

EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies), also known as electro-pollution, can seriously affect everyone’s bodies, some more than others (like me). EMFs are known sources of Oxidative Stress—a root cause of premature aging, DNA damage, creating a favorable environment for tumor cell growth, and single pathways for cancer cell proliferation. 

“Electro-sensitivity” is a term for people who become allergic to EMFs/electromagnetic frequencies. Fatigue, insomnia, tingling in hands, headaches, and tinnitus are all signs—and they are real. Never let doctors gaslight you, making you think it’s “all in your head.”

EMF Deep Dive

If you want a deeper understanding of EMFs, please keep reading. If not, jump to the next section on reducing your exposure. The EMFs I am referring to in this article are man-made electromagnetic fields structurally different from those found in nature–including the subtle low electromagnetic fields that our body’s cells use to communicate with each other. 

Natural fields are random in their frequency, amplitude, and waveform, whereas artificial EMFs are regular and constant. For example, cell phones (and stay far away from cell phone towers or any electrical towers/transformer lines) provide regular bursts of  radiation. Our cells respond negatively to regular fields, become stressed, and try to protect themselves. 

Sticking with my cell phone example, here’s what happens to your cells when exposed to cell phone radiation:

  • Cellular energy must now be used for protection rather than metabolism. Cell membranes harden, keeping nutrients out and waste products in.
  • Waste accumulating inside the cells creates a higher concentration of free radicals, disrupting DNA repair (micronuclei) and cellular dysfunction.
  • “Unwanted (healthy) cell death occurs, releasing the micronuclei from the disrupted DNA repair into the fluid between cells (interstitial fluid). By doing so, they are free to replicate and proliferate. This is the most likely mechanism contributing to cancer.” – George Carlo, PhD, JD, an epidemiologist and medical scientist.

 (This information is captured from several studies via a Life Extension 2023 report.)

Are Smartphones Safe?

Here’s a brief history of the mobile phone. Cell phones were originally developed for the military and never tested for safety. They were proven extremely useful and quickly entered the public marketplace through loopholes and the anticipation of major money.

However, questions and lawsuits started popping up. The cell phone industry set up a nonprofit Wireless Technology Research (WTR) in 1995 (before Smartphones), and it hasn’t been funded in over 15 years. This organization was led by Dr. Carlo (mentioned above), and his team discovered that cell phone radiation caused DNA damage, impaired DNA repair, and interfered with cardiac pacemakers. 

European research confirmed WTR’s finding and also suggested that cell phone radiation contributes to brain dysfunction (study), tumors (study), and potentially to conditions such as autism, attention deficit disorder, neurodegenerative disease, and behavioral and psychological problems.

However, since the organization presented the harm that cell phones can cause, they have shut down any negative results surrounding the dangers of cell phones, because of the financial implications that the market would have if people listened to Dr. Carlo and his team. 

All of this to say, don’t believe the hype that cell phones are totally safe. However, I completely understand they are a necessary part of communication in our world and can be a cause of great joy. I do love FaceTiming out-of-state grandkids! I also could not run Breast Cancer Conqueror without a smartphone or computer. Therefore, I want to encourage you to use your cell phone in a safer way to minimize EMF exposure.

9 Ways To Minimize EMF Exposure

Below are the top action steps to start minimizing your EMF exposure. These tips are from Nick “The EMF Guy” Pineault and Stephanie Carter, M.D., who is board-certified in Internal Medicine and currently practices Internal Medicine and Environmental Medicine. Her practice and research focus on electromagnetic field sensitivity (EMFs), mold illness and allergies, avoidance of pollutants in air, food, and water, implant syndrome, and provocation/neutralization immunotherapy. 

Together, they created a FREE guide to minimizing EMF pollution in your home and workplace. I highly suggest reviewing it, especially if you are electro-sensitive like me.

  1. Do NOT keep your phone near your body for extended periods. NEVER put your phone in your bra as a holder or allow your daughters and their friends to do this! When your phone is near you, but not in use, put it in “Airplane Mode.”
  2. Create distance between yourself and your phone if you take a call. Use speakerphone mode, talk through your car speakers, or use a pair of wired earbuds.
  3. Avoid “wearables” and other Bluetooth-enabled electronics such as AirPods and Apple Watches. 
  4. Consider using a wired connection (Ethernet cable) to connect your computer and other devices to the Internet.
  5. If you use Wi-Fi, turn the router off when not in use, especially at night. Also, make sure that the router is far away from your bedroom or places that spend the majority of time in your home. You can use a simple outlet timer (that some people use for their Christmas lights) to automate this process.
  6. Consider hiring a competent EMF mitigation specialist to survey your home or workplace, especially if you already know you are electro-sensitive.

Below are a few more recommendations that should be included in “The EMF Guy” list above. 

  • Red light therapy. Nearly every disease has been linked to low mitochondrial function, which is another damaging side effect of too much EMF exposure. However, when the mitochondria absorb this red light frequency, it increases ATP production for energy and cellular oxygenation. Click here to learn more about the incredible sleep, inflammation, oral health, and cancer-healing benefits of red light therapy. 
  • Saunas. I regularly use my EMF-protected infrared Sunlighten Sauna to prevent toxins from becoming “encapsulated” in my fatty tissues. Both near and far infrared saunas allow your body to sweat and promote lymphatic drainage and deep-tissue detoxification to eliminate these harmful toxins. The BUS Study (blood, urine, and sweat) discovered that sweating was the best way to reduce toxic chemicals in your body. I love relaxing and detoxing in my sauna (learn more via this blog post). It’s a great time to read, tap (click here to learn how), breathe, meditate (click here for tips), and shut out the outside world.
  • Research products that protect you from EMFs. I have used GIA’s Lifestyle Energy Products for almost two decades to limit my EMF exposure.

how to reduce smartphones and emf exposure.

Also, the type of smartphone you have can make a difference.

Smartphones that emit the most radiation:

This data is collected from the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection and the data shows the specific absorption rate of smartphones that emit the most radiation during use (in watts per kilogram), using cell phone models from 2021 (the most recent data I could find). 

  1. Motorola Edge: 1.97
  2. Sony Xperia Xa2 Plus: 1.41
  3. Google Pixel 3XL: 1.39
  4. Apple iPhone 7: 1.38

Never Stop Learning!

Be a student of life and healing because the more you know, the better choices you can make. This is why I dedicate so much time and energy to providing free blogs, podcasts, and recipes to feed your body, mind, and soul. 


Author: Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as  Dr. V, is a Doctor of Chiropractic & has 44 years of experience in the wellness industry. For personalized support, please partner with a trained Breast Cancer Conqueror Coach.