A Spotlight On Vitamin D And Breast Cancer Healing

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Essential #6: Repair with Therapeutic Plants | Oct, 15 2024

A Spotlight On Vitamin D And Breast Cancer Healing

Vitamin D is critical for breast cancer healing and almost every aspect of your health. It’s the ONE vitamin that most Americans are low in, and it plays a massive role in your overall health:

  • Strengthening bones. Here’s what a Breast Cancer Thriver has to say: “My new scan shows that I am no longer in the osteoporosis category, but now I am in the low osteopenia category.”
  • Boosting mental health. It helps prevent depression, anxiety, and other mood challenges—especially during gloomy winter days.
  • Stopping the growth of breast cancer cells and preventing metastasis. While more research is still needed, please read this recent preclinical data.
  • Improving traditional cancer therapies. It may potentiate the effects of traditional cancer therapy and overcome drug resistance. (Study)
  • Building a powerful immune system. It helps your immune system fight off infections by regulating the activity of immune cells. This vitamin binds to receptors on cells like macrophages, neutrophils, and natural killer cells.
  • Reducing breast cancer risk by 45%. Postmenopausal women with Vitamin D levels below 20 ng/mL have a 45% higher risk of developing breast cancer. (Study)
  • Supporting cardiovascular health. It works with estrogen to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Increasing energy. It helps reduce fatigue and boost energy levels by helping the mitochondria in your cells create energy.

Vitamin D, Vitamin D3+K2 to be specific, is essential for your vibrantly healthy life.

In America, 95% of adults and 70% of children do not meet the recommended amount. (Stats) Just about every woman with Breast Cancer that my team and I have supported had a deficiency in Vitamin D. It’s truly an epidemic and an obvious answer to the horrifically high rates of depression, heart disease, osteopenia, fatigue, cancer, and so many other dis-eases. 

But you are here reading this blog because you are actively CHOOSING not to be a statistic so that you can enjoy a vibrantly healthy life and total healing! Give yourself a big heart hug for getting here, and then take the actions needed to prioritize optimal health! Let’s go!

vitamin d and breast cancer support

Is my body processing Vitamin D, and how much should I take?

Both are excellent and necessary questions!

You could be taking supplements, spending time in the sun daily, and eating Vitamin D-rich foods, but if your body is not absorbing it, then none of that is doing you any good. 

Discovering my Vitamin D deficiency and my body’s inability to process it was a root-cause ah-ha moment for my healing plan. I knew I couldn’t “just accept this,” so I started researching. To my delight, I discovered GcMAFplus® Immunotherapy. This supplement helped to restored my body’s GcMAF which supported the process of  Vitamin D. absorption. Since Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that affects over 100 genes, it is critical to “fix” your issues—no matter what it takes. 

GcMAFplus® Immunotherapy gives your body what it no longer produces and then works itself out of the job because, eventually, your body will be healthy enough to make GcMAF again naturally. To learn more about GcMAF, please read this recent study and find more info via this blog post.

How much Vitamin D should I take?

My answer: TEST. Don’t guess and stress about what your body needs during a specific time. No one knows you better than your actual genes. The Nutrition Genome Test is a whole-body analysis that informs you of heavy metal sensitivities, methylation, meal timing, Vitamin D levels, and so much more via the 170 health reports focused on your personalized data. Please learn more via this blog post.

You can also ask your doctor for a simple Vitamin D blood test or take an at-home test such as the YourLabWork package.

Vitamin D + Breast Cancer

I listed many compelling stats above, but let’s get into the details by summarizing this 2022 study and this analysis.

This crucial vitamin may inhibit the proliferation and migration of breast cancer cells and stimulate their differentiation and apoptosis. It may also inhibit the transformation of normal mammary cells into breast cancer stem cells. Vitamin D also protects against breast cancer by inhibiting the proliferation and migration of cancer cells and stimulating apoptosis (cancer cell death). It also supports restricting breast cells’ epithelial/mesenchymal transition (mobility/invasiveness). That’s some powerful stuff! And it just gets better.

Vitamin D3 may also stop the transformation of normal mammary progenitors (cells in your mammary gland) into breast cancer stem cells that initiate and sustain the growth of breast tumors. Please review this blog post to discover other natural ways to suppress breast cancer stem cells.

Lastly, this research is still in the laboratory and animal studies stages. Still, the results showcase that Vitamin D may slow tumor progression by promoting cell differentiation, decreasing cancer cell growth, and stimulating cell death. You can read more here. Long story short, balancing your Vitamin D levels is essential for breast cancer healing.

Dr. V’s recommendations for increasing Vitamin D.

These are a few things I tell all the women I coach and support.

  • Take supplements. This Vitamin D+K formula contains higher therapeutic doses than Vitamin D Synergy for situations requiring more aggressive repletion. 
  • Get cracking. Egg yolks are rich in Vitamin D, and pasture-raised eggs have 3-4x more Vitamin D than conventional eggs. My Coconut Crème Custard is a divine way to eat egg yolks, healthy fats, and proteins!
  • Eat fatty fish. Salmon, tuna, herring, cod liver, and sardines provide potent amounts of Vitamin D. Here are a few of my favorite salmon and sardine recipes.
  • Soak up the sun. Let momma nature give you natural Vitamin D and a mood boost. Find one thing you love to do outside, in all seasons, and prioritize it. For me, it’s being on a tennis team!


Conquering Together!

To learn more about blending the best of natural medicine with conventional therapies for total healing, please attend my LIVE and empowering event on October 21-24: Conquering Breast Cancer Together.

If you have been searching for new possibilities that align with your body’s natural ability to heal, come and find the answers, hope, and support you seek. Dr. Michael Karfeldt (owner of a full-service Integrated Oncology and Wellness Center), DeAnn Richter (7 Essentials System® Head Coach), and I are joining your team to conquer breast cancer together.

Author: Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as  Dr. V, is a Doctor of Chiropractic & has 44 years of experience in the wellness industry. For personalized support, please partner with a trained Breast Cancer Conqueror Coach.