Books can inspire and support us in so many ways. We can get lost in beautiful fiction novels, or we can benefit from practical tips from a “how-to” book. As my team and I have supported women in over 39 countries, we always recommend a list of books that will encourage them through their journey. In fact, we ask them to commit to reading and doing the work specified in these books, so they can shift beliefs and patterns that may be holding them back, consciously or subconsciously.
Get inspired on your own journey by checking out these five MUST-READ books.
1.) You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.
Packed into its pages is more love, support and wisdom than you will find anywhere! This book was one that really helped me shift some stuck patterns and helped me tap into nurturing my “little girl”. Louise Hay was a revolutionary of human potential and the “mother of affirmations.” Her main message for those who are healing Breast Cancer and other illnesses is that if you are also willing to do the work of healing your emotional wounds (Essential #4) and learn to nurture that little girl inside of you, then many physical ailments can be healed as well.
2.) The Art of Healing: Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom by Bernie Seigel.
This is an inspiring and thorough manual on the art and science of healing from a pioneer in mind-body medicine. Dr. Seigel demonstrates the notion that “somatic aspects of health and disease are inseparable from the natural integration of mind, body, and spirit.” It can also be used as a workbook for those healing from Breast Cancer. Each chapter of The Art of Healing contains easy and fun exercises on everything from spontaneous drawing to “animal cuddling” to help you get into a healing mindset.
3.) Even Though I have Cancer by Emma Roberts.
Emma Roberts is an London-based Emotional Freedom Technique master and trainer, clinical hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner who specializes in cancer, fertility and trauma. Together with Sue Beer, she offers energy psychology counseling, information and training through the EFTCenter. Even Though I Have Cancer is an empowering self-help manual written by a wise professional. It takes the cancer patient on a healing journey from diagnosis to treatment. It is also a great resource for family, friends and medical professionals. If you want to learn how to do some tapping specifically around a cancer diagnosis, this is THE book.
4.) You are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter by Dr. Joe Dispenza.
I learned about “Dr. Joe’s” work in human potential and healing about three years ago and was totally blown away. In this ground-breaking book, Dr. Joe asks the question: is it possible to heal through thought alone? In You Are the Placebo, he describes own healing journey and provides dozens of stories that prove this is more common than we tend to think. Dispenza backs up these stories with evidence from the fields of neuroscience, biology, psychology, and quantum physics. I have also found his meditation CDs to be very effective at “retraining the brain” towards healing.
5.) Mind over Medicine by Lissa Rankin
Lissa Rankin, MD. practiced conventional medicine for eight years until her own debilitating illness forced her to take a serious look at her profession. Mind over Medicine is an honest account of her own journey. It is also a go-to manual for understanding the psychological power doctors have on their patients and how this dynamic is slowly changing. Mind Over Medicine is a well-written, research-driven read that proves without a doubt that we absolutely have the power to affect our own health.
Heal Breast Cancer Naturally by “yours truly”. 🙂
And, of course, don’t forget my own book! For anyone on the Healthy Breast journey, this is an absolute must-read. One in 8 women this year will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer. When I discovered I had Breast Cancer, I became one of those statistics. In Heal Breast Cancer Naturally, I talk about my own journey which eventually formed the basis for my 7 Essentials System™. Each chapter dives deep into the components of this system. It is a step-by-step guide to every aspect of healing from Breast Cancer. It has also become a constant companion for the hundreds of women that have gone through the 7 Essentials System™ Coaching Program.
Books can educate. They can also make us laugh out loud and shed a tear. The above titles have done just that for myself and countless others. I hope they do the same for you!
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers (“Dr V”) is the founder of The 7 Essentials System ™. This is a step-by-step guide that teaches you how to prevent and heal Breast Cancer naturally. Get your FREE 7-day mini e-course, receive weekly action steps and read inspiring articles on the power of Natural Medicine by visiting https://breastcancerco.wpengine.com/.