Enzymes. They are about so much more than digesting food. For decades researchers, forward-thinking oncologists, and integrative doctors have been using targeted enzyme therapy to support their cancer patients.
I personally used high-dose proteolytic enzyme therapy during BOTH healing journeys. To this day, I take a maintenance dose of 5 capsules of enzymes on an empty stomach, 3 times per day.
Here is the latest research on enzyme therapy and how it may help you on your healing journey with Breast Cancer.
What are Enzymes?
There are literally dozens of different kinds of enzymes and they don’t just reside in the gut. In fact, every cell and every type of tissue contains enzymes. In a nutshell, think of enzymes as tiny catalysts. They accelerate other reactions in the body, while the enzymes themselves live on to continue this same work over and over again.
The most well-known types of enzymes are the ones that do the very important job of breaking down the food we eat. “Protease” enzymes such as trypsin target proteins. They help proteins break down into amino acids so the body can use them in specific ways. Amylase breaks down carbohydrates into glucose molecules and lipase enzymes break down fats into fatty acids.
Think of high doses of enzymes like little “pac-men” that are chomping away at the cancer cell wall and making it more vulnerable and weak.
Trophoblasts, Enzymes, and the Reproductive System
Forward-thinking scientists have also discovered that enzymes can play a vital role in reversing the mechanisms that make cancer cells grow and spread. To explain how this works, I may have to get a little technical. Bear with me, however. I promise it will all make sense in the end.
First, let’s turn our attention to a specific kind of cell called a trophoblast Which is found in the placenta. Trophoblasts produce the hormone HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin), which is what a woman checks for when she gets a pregnancy test.
Trophoblasts are very aggressive. They get activated after fertilization and rapidly multiply, eventually invading the uterine wall while creating their own blood supply. If you have been following these blogs for a while, then you may already see the correlation between trophoblasts and cancer cells. Cancer cells also multiply quickly, invade healthy tissue and create their own blood flow.
Interestingly, Dr. Robert Williams discovered the connection between the actions of trophoblasts and cancer progression while he working on the well-known Framington Heart Study in the late 1970s. Significant levels of HCG can be discovered 2 to 3 years before the cancer is diagnosed by a conventional doctor. This is why the HCG hormone is now part of a standard cancer profile test.
In the very early stages of fetal development, rapidly growing trophoblast cells eventually form the placenta. On day 56, trophoblast cells stop replicating in sync with when the fetus begins to secrete its own pancreatic enzymes.
What Cancer Does to Enzyme Production
Dr. Kelly Williams’ research based on Dr. John Beard’s Discover, caused other researchers to turn their attention to the unique relationship between cancer cells and pancreatic enzymes.
Even adults continue to produce pancreatic enzymes such as trypsin. In an ideal world free of toxins and other stressors, the number of pancreatic enzymes our bodies produce might be enough to keep rapidly growing, invasive cancer cells at bay.
However, today the average pancreas simply does not produce enough cancer-busting enzymes to do the trick. Too much sugar and processed food and an unhealthy imbalance of carbohydrates tax the pancreas to the limit.
To add to the mix, it turns out that cancer cells themselves have specific mechanisms that inhibit healthy enzyme manufacturing.
How Targeted Enzyme Therapy Can Help Stop Breast Cancer
What all this means for you on your healing journey with Breast Cancer is that using pancreatic enzymes is absolutely key, perhaps even slowing down metastasis. Pioneering research into this connection by the late Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez points to this fact.
So do dozens of investigations to date:
-A 2008 study conducted by the University of Cologne in Germany on Breast and Colorectal cancer patients found that pancreatic enzyme therapy decreased tumors and metastasis as well as lowered side effects of traditional cancer therapies by boosting the immune system and promoting anti-inflammatory mechanisms.
-A 2017 study looked at the effects that a pro-enzymatic formula which included Trypsinogen and Chymotrypsinogen A had on pancreatic and ovarian cancer cell lines. The Spanish researchers stated that the formula may have “relevant oncological clinical applications for the treatment of advanced or metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma and advanced epithelial ovarian cancer.”
-In addition, exciting new research is shedding more light on how specific proteolytic enzymes (enzymes that break down protein) may potentially help reverse cancer. A 2018 study published in Nature Cell Biology discovered how a cell enzyme called Receptor-Interacting Protein Kinase 1, or RIPK1 for short, stops cancer cells just as they are about to turn metastatic. It does this by kicking in a process called mitophagy, which destroys cancer cell mitochondria as they are getting ready to move from their place of origin.
Pancreatic Enzymes in Your Healing Toolbox
As you can see, without the proper production and use of enzymes, your body would simply not be able to function. And according to the research, strengthening your own internal enzyme production as well as supplementing as needed with targeted enzymes may actually prevent metastasis.
To use pancreatic enzyme protocols as a major part of your natural healing plan with Breast Cancer, be sure to work with a natural health professional and follow a specific tried-and-true plan, such as The Gonzalez Protocol®.
For general maintenance, I recommend individuals take digestive enzymes with every meal. Digest Eaze is a proprietary blend of digestive enzymes and betaine HCL and is part of the 7 Essentials System®. This 100% non-GMO formula is designed to help with the breakdown of key proteins and sugars if you often suffer from gas, bloating, and other digestive upsets. Hands down, it is a great resource to add to your Healthy Breast toolbox!
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System®, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and Heal Breast Cancer Naturally.
So , can we buy this supplement? Or is only a doctor who can prescribe the dosis? I’m a little confused
Hello Ana! Here is a link where you can buy Dr. Gonzalez’s formulation of Pancreatic Enzymes- https://breastcancerconqueror.com/product/pancreas-pork-natural-glandular-720-caps/