A survey conducted by NSF International found that way over half of all Americans are concerned about toxins in personal care products. However, the majority admit that they do not do their research about ingredients. By now we all know that there is some pretty “bad stuff” in the commercial products we put on our skin, and it’s time we kicked our self-education up a notch, including learning about hidden skin toxins.
The Sad State of the Personal Care Industry
Make no mistake about it, you are what you eat—including what you “eat” through your skin. This is a fact that the personal care industry continues to ignore.
Because of regulation loopholes that exempt manufacturers from having to adhere to safety standards (as well as exempting them from having to list harmful ingredients), cancer-causing substances STILL EXIST in hundreds of products that line the aisles of your local pharmacy or grocery store.
Currently, there are over 10,000 harmful substances that continue to be used in commercial personal care products—and only about 13% have been tested for safety.
“Little Known” Toxic Products
We all know to stay away from commercial products like aluminum-filled in antiperspirants and chemical-laden cosmetics. What you may not know, however, is how lesser-known products may harbor some of the most dangerous toxins out there. Here is a listing of five products you probably use every day:
Body Washes.
Commercial body washes can contain known xenoestrogens, including parabens and formaldehyde. A 2004 meta-analysis published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology found high levels of parabens in 20 different breast tumor samples. In addition, formaldehyde exposure can lead to DNA damage, according to a report by the Environmental Working Group.
As an Alternative: Why not check out your local farmer’s market to view samples of locally produced beauty bars that use all-natural cleansers and moisturizers such as oatmeal, goat’s milk, avocado and essential oils? Not only will you be doing your skin a favor, but you may meet a new local friend as well!
Bath “Bombs.”
Its hard to imagine that a product specifically designed to help you relax could be harmful, but it is true. Many commercial “bath bombs” are made with synthetic perfumes. Furthermore, these fragrances are often made with xenoestrogenic esters which can also affect the central nervous system.
As an Alternative: Pour 1-2 cups of Epsom salts and 8-10 drops of your favorite supplement-grade essential oil in your bath. Be sure that the oil that you choose will not be irritating to your skin. Lavender, rose or ylang ylang can be soothing for most people. Light a candle, play some soft music, and let yourself unwind naturally!
Laundry Detergents and Softeners.
Commercial laundry detergents are amongst the worst products when it comes to toxins. Ingredients may include formaldehyde, methylene chloride, and 1, 4-Dioxine. They can also be the most damaging to your health since the materials that you wash–everything from bed sheets to clothes– come in contact with your skin 24/7! For a comprehensive listing of all the harmful ingredients in laundry soaps as well as current studies, check out my BLOG about ditching your toxic laundry detergent.
As an Alternative: If you are on a Healthy Breast journey, I recommend not taking any chances on your laundry soap, softener, and dryer sheets. The brand I suggest and LOVE is called Truly Free. The essential oil scents and the low impact on the environment because of the reusable containers and non-toxic ingredients, actually make laundry an enjoyable “chore”. And if you use coupon code “BCC” at checkout you will receive 30% off your order.
Dryer Sheets.
Those innocent-looking sheets you put in your dryer to make your clothes static-free and “fresh smelling” are even worse than laundry soap. They are so toxic that they can cause asthma attacks, rashes, and even trigger cancer. In addition, an impressive 2017 study conducted by Dr. Anne Steinemann and her team found that more than 600 “volatile compounds (VOC)” were emitted by dryer sheets. If you still use them, it’s time for a change!
As an Alternative: Truly Free has essential oil bags that smell wonderful and I have found that they can help reduce your drying time. Don’t forget to use coupon code “BCC” for 30% off your order.
Your Skin is Your Largest Detox Organ
I hope this article has helped you reconsider what you have in your beauty cabinet as well as a laundry room. If you haven’t done a “pantry swap” for your bathroom and other areas of your house, now may be a great time to do it.
Remember that your skin is your largest detoxification organ and anything you put on it will be absorbed into your body. That could be a force for good for your health or have a detrimental long-term effect on your health. You get to choose.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers (“Dr. V”) is the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror.com and The 7 Essentials System ™. This step-by-step guide empowers you with knowledge so you Never Have to Fear Breast Cancer Again! To watch a FREE webinar about the 7 steps for beating breast cancer naturally, Click Here
What do you recommend for face and skin moisturizers / lotions?
Hi Maria!
You can consider products from naturopathica, Dr. Hashka and various other companies from Whole Foods and other cleans stores.